Define muscle fiber. muscle fiber synonyms, muscle fiber pronunciation, muscle fiber translation, English dictionary definition of muscle fiber. n. A muscle cell, especially one of the cylindrical, multinucleate cells that make up skeletal muscles and ar
One of the features of the parameter-identification problem considered here is the presence of internal parameters in the definition of the applied moment. These internal parameters, such as the distances to the two muscle distal and proximal anchor points from the center of rotation, dd and dp,...
Muscle FiberReference work entry First Online: 01 January 2016 pp 607–611 Cite this reference work entry Encyclopedia of Exercise Medicine in Health and Disease Dirk Pette & Robert S. Staron 252 Accesses Synonyms Muscle cell; Myofiber Definition Muscle fibers are the smallest cellular elements...
Finally, a cell-autonomous remodeling of intramyocellular calcium handling and the neuromuscular junction ensure a persistent switch in the fiber type [25]. Most strikingly however, slow-twitch muscle fibers exhibit a massive proliferation of both intramyofibrillar as well as subsarcolemmal mitochondria...
Muscle cell (fiber) 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 multinucleated & many mitochondria (S, S, S,T)1. sacolemma2. sacoplasma3. sacroplasmic reticulum4. transverse tuble 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 1 / 10 建立者 butterfly042980 分享 探索生物學的奧妙 從細胞到生態系統,為生物學的重要主題獲取容易理解的說明與...
Define cardiac muscle. cardiac muscle synonyms, cardiac muscle pronunciation, cardiac muscle translation, English dictionary definition of cardiac muscle. n. The specialized striated muscle tissue of the heart; the myocardium. American Heritage® Dicti
Modeled region definition The extent of the region to be modeled was defined to contain all key elements of the genomic region (i.e., promoters and enhancers) as well as their genomic 3D context. Specifically, the model included the following features: (i) all interaction bins containing a ...
Fish quality is wide in its definition, and depends on the species in question and the relevant market. Crisp grass carp has a similar flavour to that of wild active fish, so its “crisp” texture is an important and valuable attribute. In fish species, muscle growth is the result of ...
muscle fiber. Each repeating unit of myofibrillar bands is called asarcomere.This name, which means “little muscle,” is apt because a single sarcomere constitutes the contractile subunit of the cardiac muscle. By definition, a sarcomere extends from one Z disk to the next, a distance of ...
A harness of collagenous fibers at the top surrounds the sarcolemma; note the collagenous fibers adjacent to the sarcolemma of the wedge of another muscle fiber at the extreme top. The nucleus (MN) of the muscle cell is surrounded by sarcoplasm richly provided with glycogen and mitochondria. ...