At the cellular level, a muscle cell is the smallest fascia-related structure. It is also known as muscle fibre. It is fascia-related because each muscle cell is enveloped by a membrane called the endomysium that strongly adheres to the surrounding tissues. Muscle cells form bundles of ...
Cell Structure Muscle cells are made up of myofibrils, organic cable-like structures composed of essential proteins. Within the myofibrils are bundles of these proteins, arranged into thick and thin filaments within repeating sections known as sarcomeres. Responding to voluntary or involuntary nerve com...
Keywords: stem cell; satellite cell; myogenesis; muscle regeneration; muscle growth; myopathydoi:10.1002/9780470015902.a0022530Terence A PartridgeJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdPartridge, T. A. (2012) Muscle Satellite Cell Structure, Proliferation and Fusion. In eLS, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Chichester...
A basal lamina and variable amounts of collagen and elastic fibers surround each cell. Smooth muscle cells rarely divide in adults, but they are capable of responding to local physiological conditions by remodeling their structure, as in atherosclerosis and hypertension. In terms of organization and...
99]. The process of muscle regeneration and growth is the subject of ongoing research, but can be summarised by the inter-dependent processes of (1) mechanical injury; (2) inflammation marked by the clearance of necrotic tissue by myeloid cells; (3) repair marked by satellite cell activation...
The genome exists as an organized, three-dimensional (3D) dynamic architecture, and each cell type has a unique 3D genome organization that determines its cell identity. An unresolved question is how cell type-specific 3D genome structures are establishe
Cell culture supernatants were collected from each sample at 21 DIV. Regular triculture media was used as control group. At least three replicates from each group were considered for analysis. The supernatants were passed through 0.22-μm filters to remove any cellular debris, frozen, and shipped...
5.-312-328 (1971) cell size developmental physiology DNA growth retardation muscle mass protein malnutrition Review Article Skeletal Muscle Cell Mass and Growth: The Concept of the Deoxyribonucleic Acid Unit DONALD B. CHEEK'1451, ALAN B. HOLT, DONALD E. HILL, AND JAMES L. TALBERT Division of...
The plasma membrane of the muscle fiber: composition and structure. In: Engel AG, Franzini-Armstrong C, editors. Myology, Basic and Clinical. 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill; 1994. p. 200-222. Montarras D, et al. Lying low but ready for action: the quiescent muscle satellite cell....
Cell cycle re-entry is a hallmark of the SC quiescence-to-activation transition40,41. However, the genome-wide mRNA targets or the proteome affected by CPEB1 and how CPEB1 is involved in regulating the SC quiescence-to-activation transition are largely unknown. In this study, we uncover ...