High Quality cars and the owner really knows his stuff! If you are in the market, you better try here first. Brendan - California Excellent selection, better than kicking tires on craigslist. Would recommend to anyone. Matt - Maine When looking for a 67 Mustang, I checked with Barn Fre...
so it will always look a bit tired unless you’re prepared to take on a full respray. The old-school California license plates tell the tale as to how long this Shelby Dakota has been off the road, but the upside to a
they lost their lease. Fortunately for someone looking for a Mopar project, they are liquidating their collection. Foundhere on Craigslist, there are only a few photos in the ad, but you can see a variety of cars from Chargers, Challengers...
13 hours ago •For Sale•16 Comments Two Many Doors! 1973 Chevy Impala When I thought this 1973 Chevrolet Impala was a two-door, the asking price here on craigslist—$11,500—seemed like it might not be too out of line. Never mind the faded paint on the trunk and the surface rust...
It is still wearing its original shade of Emerald Turquoise, or at least 95% of it. The California sun was worked the finish over and it’s pretty faded with some burned-through surface rust that is starting to rise on its horizontal surfaces. The seller mentions some innocuous rust spots...
2 hours ago •For Sale•8 Comments Faded Luxury: 1987 Chrysler Fifth Avenue A person can’t get much for $3,800 anymore, especially as far as nice, drivable luxury cars go. Or even iffy, somewhat beater vehicles go, really. We all remember when $3,800 would buy a lot more than...