The existance of this anomalous muscle should be kept in mind in a patient presenting with a high median nerve palsy together with symptoms of brachial artery compression.doi:10.1007/BF01627930AS DharapAnatomy Department, School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia...
The rectus femoris is also one of the four quadriceps. It's located in the middle of the front thigh. It arises from the anterior inferior iliac spine, and inserts into the base of patella to form the central portion of the quadriceps. Its main function is also to straighten the leg. ...
肱桡肌(Brachioradialis muscle) 肱桡肌是前臂的肌肉之一。它从肱骨下部向下延伸到桡骨,肱桡肌是构成肱二头肌后室前臂肌肉,肱桡肌既是浅层肌肉又是梭形肌肉。浅层肌肉位于皮肤和脂肪组织下方,而梭状肌肉末端较薄,中间较厚。它们看起来像一个纺锤,形成肘窝的侧壁。...
Human muscle system - Evolution, Anatomy, Function: The arrangement of striated muscle in modern humans conforms to the basic plan seen in all pronograde quadrupedal vertebrates and mammals (that is, all vertebrates and mammals that assume a horizontal a
Surgical Anatomy ▪ Arterial smooth muscle has one function: vasoconstriction. There are sympathetic fibers that pass from the digital nerves to the digital arteries (Fig. 1). Removing these nerve connections as well as stripping the adventitial layer around the digital arteries can decrease sympathe...
Supination: rotating the forearm so the palm is facing forward or up. Elevation and depression are up-and-down movements, such as chewing or shrugging your shoulders. When you move the mandible down to open the mouth, that’s mandible depression. Move the mandible back up, that’s mandible...
Attachments, innervation, functions and related clinical anatomy of the muscles of the anterior compartment of the forearm. Flexor carpi radialis muscle (Musculus flexor carpi radialis) Flexor carpi radialis is a fusiform muscle located in the anterior forearm. It belongs to the superficial layer ...
Attachments, innervation, functions and related clinical anatomy of the muscles of the anterior compartment of the forearm. Palmaris longus muscle (Musculus palmaris longus) Palmaris longus is a long muscle of the anterior forearm. It extends from the distal humerus to the root of the hand, ...
Humans’ infatuation with muscles spans millennia. Depicted in bronze and marble, ancient Grecian sculptures of Titan, Atlas, Heracles, and fellow immortals are exceedingly buff, although it is unlikely that their sculptors had any direct knowledge of muscle anatomy. That changed in the Renaissance,...
The Anatomy of the Common Marmoset ChristopheCasteleyn,JacoBakker, inThe Common Marmoset in Captivity and Biomedical Research, 2019 Muscles of the Neck and Tongue • M. sternocleidomastoideus: The lateral portion is them. cleidooccipitalisthat arises from the clavicle and inserts into thenuchal line...