Definition The atoll of Mururoa, also known as Moruroa or Aopuni, lies in the south-eastern end of the Tuamotu Island Group (21°50′S, 138°53′W) in the central Pacific. Politically speaking, this island is part of the French Polynesia . Geological setting Mururoa is 28 km long and...
Mururoa 1973 - In 1973 Alister Barry joined the crew of a protest boat (The Fri) to Mururoa Atoll, where the French Government were testing nuclear weapons. Barry records the assembly of the crew, the long journey from Northland, and their reception in t
240Pu/239Pu isotopic ratios and 239+240Pu total measurements in surface and deep waters around Mururoa and Fangataufa atolls compared with Rangiroa atoll (... (1999). 240Pu/239Pu isotopic ratios and 239+240Pu total measurements in surface and deep waters around Mururoa and Fangataufa atolls ...
Comments on \"Water renewal time for classification of atoll lagoons in the Tuamotu Archipelago (French Polynesia)\" by Andréfou?t et al. [Coral Reefs (20... they call "water renewal time," is associated with the wave-induced flow, namely the ratio of the volume of the lagoon to the...
Keywords: Mururoa atoll; Hydrogeologic modelling; Radionuclide transport; Nuclear tests; Data uncertainty 1. Introduction After the definitive end, in 1996, of the nuclear underground tests at the atolls of Mururoa and Fangataufa, the French government asked the International Geomechanical Ž . Commiss...
Mururoa Atoll (French-Polynesia) .3. An OverviewGuille, GMaury, R CBuigues, DBellon, HGachon, ACaroff, M
Model of reef diagenesis: Mururoa Atoll, French Polynesia. in Schroeder, J. H. and B. H. Purser. eds. Reef Diagenesis. Springer . Berlin and Heidelberg . p. 27 – 52 .AISSAOUDI,.M., BUIGESD, . & PURSERB, .H. (1986) Model of reef diagenesis: Mururoa Atoll, French Polynesia. ...
(1986) Petrology of the volcanic bedrock of Mururoa Atoll (Tuamotu archipelago, French Polynesia). J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 28, 55-83.Bardintzeff, J.M., Demange, J. and Gachon, A. (1986) Petrology of the volcanic bedrock of Mururoa Atoll (Tuamoto Archipelago, French Polynesia). ...
Petrological study of altered aerial basaltic flows, submarine pillow lavas and oceanitic basalts of a rift zone sampled in two drill-cores in the Mururoa Atoll (Viviane, 1000-m depth; Fuchsia, 550-m depth) shows that during hydrothermal alteration processes the secondary clay minerals evolve the...