Bowen felt that severe problems within the family unit stem from a multigenerational transmission process whereby levels of differentiation among family members can become progressively lower from one generation to the next. He developed anextended family systems therapywith the goal to increase individual...
Murray Bowen,医学博士。 1913年1月31日~1990年10月9日 Murray Bowen was born in Waverly, Tennessee to a family that had been in Middle Tennessee since the Revolution. Waverly, which is located about sixty miles west of Nashville in Humphreys County, was a town of approximately 1000 inhabitants ...
MurrayBowen,M.D.鲍文鲍介 MurrayBowen,M.D. January31,1913-October9,1990 MurrayBowenwasborninWaverly,Tennesseetoa familythathadbeeninMiddleTennesseesincetheRevolution.Waverly,whichislocated aboutsixtymileswestofNashvilleinHumphreysCounty,wasatownofapproximately 1000inhabitantsin1913whenMurrayBowenwasborn.Hewasth...
was Director of Family Programs, and in 1975 founded theGeorgetown Family Center. Dr. Bowen was the Director of the Family Center untilhis death. He also maintained a private psychiatric practice at his home-office