MurmurHash3是一种快速非加密哈希算法,适用于哈希表等数据结构,以及散列函数。 它通过一系列位运算和位移操作来生成哈希值,具有高效性和均匀性。 MurmurHash3算法存在32位和128位两种版本,其中128位版本在现代x64平台上的性能更优。 查找Java中实现MurmurHash3的库或方法: 在Java中,可以使用Google Guava库来实现Murmu...
* murmurhash3_x64_128 is a good choice for longer strings or if you need more than 32 bits of hash. * * Note - The x86 and x64 versions do _not_ produce the same results, as the * algorithms are optimized for their respective platforms. * * Seehttp://github.com/yonik/java_u...
MurmurHash3 x64 128-bit - a fast, non-cryptographic hash function hashingmurmurhash3hash-functionshashmurmurmurmur3non-cryptographicnon-cryptographic-hash-functions UpdatedJun 2, 2020 C# Fast non-cryptographic hash, with the benchmarks to prove it. ...
MurmurHash3 x86 1280xB3ECE62A MurmurHash3 x64 1280x6384BA69 不幸的是,这是我能找到的唯一公开测试.我想另一个选择是写一个快速的C应用程序并散列一些值. 这是验证程序的C#实现. staticvoidVerificationTest(uintexpected){using(varhash =newMurmur3())// Also test that Merkle incremental hashing works.us...
MurmurHash3 is the successor to MurmurHash2. It comes in 3 variants - a 32-bit version that targets low latency for hash table use and two 128-bit versions for generating unique identifiers for large blocks of data, one each for x86 and x64 platforms. ...
Re: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'long[] org.apache.commons.codec.digest.MurmurHash3.hash128x64(byte[])' [INFO] --- maven-dependency-plugin:3.1.1:tree (default-cli) @ spring-jena-starter --- [INFO] Verbose not supported since maven-dependency-plugin 3.0...
Re: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'long[] org.apache.commons.codec.digest.MurmurHash3.hash128x64(byte[])' I created a new Test project having only apache-jena-libs as dependency. Then 1.5 is pulled correctly within the dependency tree.
In order to maintain compatibility with the original JS library this variant was forked from, the encoding of the output has not been changed. The 32bit version returns an unsigned int, while the x86 and x64 128 bit variants return 32 character hex strings. ...
Files were exported fromhttps://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/tree/master/types/murmurhash3js. index.d.ts declaremodule"murmurhash3js"{exportnamespacex86{functionhash32(val:string,seed?:number):number;functionhash128(val:string,seed?:number):string;}exportnamespacex64{functionhash128(val...