Lovecraft found in World of Warcraft. In his story The Shadow Over Innsmouth, a man encounters an ancient, fish-human hybrid race known as "The Deep Ones." The story implies that they have been living in the ocean for centuries, and slowly advancing to land, where they will claim it as...
Murlocs have spawned a large following of fans in the Warcraft community. This had led to the creation of websites, fan fiction, videos, and games like the ones below! Murloc game Save the Murlocs Vid Vid no.2InspirationMurlocs may be another one of the numerous references to H.P. Lovecr...
In-game cinematics Wrath of the Lich King(2) Cataclysm(6) Mists of Pandaria(10) Warlords of Draenor(17) Legion(25) Battle for Azeroth(24) Shadowlands(26) Dragonflight(34) Expand Warcraft III Expand Warcraft II Expand Warcraft: Orcs & Humans ...
Although this game is clearly inspired by Warcraft, it should not be taken as like-for-like lore or use of language as it is entirely made up. Murlocs and Boomsticks is overly simplified and lazily researched. It is therefore no surprise that even this introduction is packed with tongue-in...