Objectives: Determine the potential role of LTB4 in IH-induced atherosclerosis in a monocyte cellular model and a murine model. 目的:在间歇性低氧单核细胞和小鼠动物模型中,研究白三烯B4对间歇性低氧诱导动脉粥样硬化的作用。 news.dxy.cn 4. Key to this progress has been study of naturally occurring ...
Objective : To explore the influence of Bifidobacterium onmurinehumoral immune function. 目的: 探讨双歧杆菌减少对小鼠体液免疫功能的影响. 互联网 Result : GLB 7 increased the production of IP 3 and DAG inmurineperitoneal macrophages. 结果显示GLB7能引起小鼠MΦ中IP3和DAG浓度升高. ...
沪江词库精选murine是什么意思、英语单词推荐、用法及解释、中英文句子翻译、英语短语 英音['mjurain] ; 美音['mjurain] ; 副词 鼠科的名词 鼠科动物 英语解释 of or relating to or transmitted by a member of the family Muridae (rats and mice) ...
Murine definition: belonging or pertaining to the rodent subfamily Murinae, which includes more than 500 species of mice and rats. See examples of MURINE used in a sentence.
murine[ 'mjuərain, -rin ] n.a rodent that is a member of the family Muridae adj.of or relating to or transmitted by a member of the family Muridae (rats and mice) "a murine plague" 学习怎么用 权威例句 Two types of murine helper T cell clones ...
Junice Rami - Murine
murine Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Wikipedia mu·rine (myo͝or′īn′) adj. 1.Of or relating to a rodent of the subfamily Murinae, which includes the house mouse and the brown rat. 2.Caused, transmitted by, or affecting such a rodent:murine leukemia. ...
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The meaning of MURINE is of or relating to a murid genus (Mus) or its subfamily (Murinae) which includes the common household rats and mice; also : of, relating to, or involving these rodents and especially the house mouse. How to use murine in a sentenc