2018年是苏格兰的重量级女作家缪丽尔·斯帕克(Muriel Spark)的百年诞辰。为了纪念这位不仅仅对苏格兰,而且对全球文学界都有着非凡影响的人物,苏格兰国家图书馆和文化组织“创意苏格兰”(Creative Scotland)目前正在联合举办长达一年的系列百年纪念活动,名为“Muriel Spark 100”。该系列活动覆盖了苏格兰的各个地区,内容丰富,...
作者:Muriel Spark 书名:The Driver's Seat《驾驶席》 英文简介:Lise is thin, neither good-looking nor bad-looking. One day she walks out of her office, acquires a gaudy new outfit, adopts a girlier tone of voice, and heads to the airport to fly south. On the plane she takes a seat ...
I am indebted to my students for their seminar contributions, and particularly Caitlin Beveridge, Anita Markoff, and Darryl Peers for subsequent reflections and comments. I am also grateful to Katherine Furman for first introducing me to Manne's work.Timothy C. Baker...
缪丽尔·斯帕克(Muriel Spark)(娘家姓Camberg,1918年2月1日-2006年4月13日)是一位诗人、小说家、评论家和文学传记家。缪丽尔·斯帕克最著名的作品是《布罗迪小姐的青春》(The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie),曾蜚声国际文坛半个多世纪,获得了众多文学奖项。她获得了众多荣誉学位,并在1993获授骑士指挥官勋章后成为...
The Abbess(2022) Writer (novel) Nasty Habits(1977) Writer (novel "The Abbess of Crewe") The Driver's Seat(1974) Writer (novel) The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie(1969) Writer (adapted from the novel by) $599 Past Television(11 titles)Episodes ...
The critical element of the thesis, entitled "In The Driver's Seat: Decoding the Narrative Style of Muriel Spark" focuses on the narrative style of Muriel Spark in the eeriest of her novels. Through an investigation of The Driver's Seat, I will endeavor to show the narrative and thematic ...
Muriel Spark, British writer best known for the satire and wit with which the serious themes of her novels are presented. Among her best-known works are The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, Memento Mori, The Mandelbaum Gate, and The Driver’s Seat.
the dark, terrifying, evil, and unexplainable side of banal human experience. Spark's 22 novels includeThe Comforters(1957),Memento Mori(1958),The Bachelors(1960),The Girls of Slender Means(1963),The Mandelbaum Gate(1965),The Driver's Seat(1970),The Abbess of Crewe(1974),The Takeover(...
Driver's Seat, The Abbess of Crewe , and The Public Image, Not to Disturb belongs to the phase of Spark's work most strongly identified with the influence of the French new novel, and especially of Alain Robbe-Grillet. 1 But Spark's whimsicality would be hard to find in the nouveau ...