Jury Finds Neal Zumberge Guilty of Killing Todd Stevens CLIP 12/10/23 Friend of Todd Stevens Speaks on His Character CLIP 12/10/23 Was Neal Zumberge Violent or Concerned? CLIP 12/10/23 The Tragedy of Tim Newman CLIP 12/03/23 Joseph Campbell and Tim Newman's Dark Feud CLIP 12...
In my first book, The Secrets on Forest Bend, the cop is standing on the left, looking toward the right. In the next book, The Witch on Twisted Oak, the cop is standing on the right, looking toward the left. The image of a badge and gun are switched, also....
Jury Finds Neal Zumberge Guilty of Killing Todd Stevens CLIP 12/10/23 Friend of Todd Stevens Speaks on His Character CLIP 12/10/23 Was Neal Zumberge Violent or Concerned? CLIP 12/10/23 The Tragedy of Tim Newman CLIP 12/03/23 Joseph Campbell and Tim Newman's Dark Feud CLIP...
Pepys was a keen collector of the printed broadsheet ballads which were then sold on every London street corner, and amassed over 1,800 examples in his personal archive. Somewhere around 1685, he added one called The Bloody Miller, which came complete with this introduction: “A true and ...