This comedic murder mystery limited series combines the plot mechanics of Knives Out with the sense of humor of an Upright Citizens Brigade sketch. The all-star cast (who, even if they're not super-famous, are all stars) includes Ben Schwartz, Sam Richardson, Ilana Glazer, John Early, Tif...
For a murder mystery that unfolds in a non-linear fashion, look no further than directorChristopher Nolan‘s mind-bendingMemento. The 2000 neo-noir thriller follows Leonard Shelby (Guy Pearce), a man living with short-term memory loss, as he struggles to piece together the traumatic events of...
Murder Book Season 2: Trailer: The Women Who Stopped Sam Little. Sept. 28, 2020 Duration: 2min 6s The Killing Fields – Oct. 5, 2020. Duration: 39 min 25s Chapter 1 – In 2012 LAPD Detective Mitzi Roberts draws a career case when DNA matches two sex murders from 1989 to a man nam...
With some old-fashioned sleuthing, investigators are able to identify their victim, bring a cowardly killer to justice, and close the book on a decades-old mystery. 8.6/10Rate Top-rated Tue, Dec 16, 2014 S1.E3 Hiding in the Shadows While the rest of his family sleeps, a young man (...
More than 25 years after her death, Ramsey’s killing remains shrouded in mystery. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Quick Facts FULL NAME: JonBenét Patricia RamseyBORN: August 6, 1990DEATH: December 26, 1996BIRTHPLACE: Atlanta, GeorgiaASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Leo JonBenét’s Short Life JonBenét...
Her book is an instant success, pushing Jessica into the limelight. A trip to promote her book in New York takes Jessica to a costume party hosted by her publisher. Tragedy strikes, and Jessica has to put her skills to good use.Firstly, what a great title, clever, and sets the premise...
bookshelf and go, oh I might try that, and you know, I now wait for recommendations or I wait for something that looks very, really compelling that I know is going to have everything that I'm looking for 'cause I do read a lot for work and then that means I'm usually tired of...
The Professional Book Nerds podcast is a podcast for book lovers, by book lovers. Presented by OverDrive, the industry-leading app for eBooks and audiobooks through your local library and school. Tune in for weekly book recommendations and author intervi
Murder on the Orient Express: Directed by Sidney Lumet. With Albert Finney, Lauren Bacall, Martin Balsam, Ingrid Bergman. In December 1935, when his transcontinental luxury train is stranded by deep snow, detective Hercule Poirot is called on to solve a
Murder Obsession: Directed by Riccardo Freda. With Stefano Patrizi, Martine Brochard, Henri Garcin, Laura Gemser. A scandal from Michael's past emerges when he visits his mother's house with the director and others from a recent film project.