David Lynch and Mark Frost's surreal masterpiece Twin Peaks, which premiered on ABC in 1990 and returned for a third season on Showtime in 2017, centers on the investigation into the death of small-town homecoming queen Laura Palmer (Sheryl Lee), whose murder exposes a powerful darkness in...
but it is small potatoes compared to the story's reworking into an episode of the Discovery Channel's supernatural reenactment showA HAUNTING. Upon first viewing it is almost unrecognizable as the famous tale of the first murder ever committed in Brookfield, Connecticut. This is mostly due...
The police officer suffered two non-life-threatening gunshot wounds to his lower body, while Gonzalez was shot in the hand, according to authorities. Both the officer and Gonzalez were taken to the hospital where both remain in stable condition. "Last night's shooting incident, a running...
He said putting the pieces together and how it ties to the town's past and what's happening in Eden Lake in the present is particularly fascinating. He laughed. "I think it's a really interesting way to incorporate yet another murder in this small town without having the murder per ca...
is thestory of the impact of the second wave on a small South Dakota town and a doctor who lives there. It’s heart rending and grounded in perspective and is illustrative of the fact thateverywhereis a disaster in these dark days after the virus was just supposed to magically fade away...
NEWS REPORTS: The brutal murder of the Pelley family … Shot to death in their home Sunday morning … It thrust a small town into the national spotlight ... Jessi Toronjo: I had just found out that my whole family was gone. … I had just lost everything. … I pretty much became an...
to capture the killer and secretly hold him hostage, they realize the best way to get scoops on future victims would be to murder people themselves. As their social media become an overnight sensation and panic grips their small town, can their friendship survive the strain of national stardom...
lambert says in the first episode of his podcast. “at least once a day i ask myself, what are you doing?” lambert is a soft-spoken, bearded 34-year-old who grew up in the small town of orcutt in santa barbara county, california, where he was voted “most bashful” in junior ...
A 20-year-old whose lawyers claimed the videogame "Grand Theft Auto" and childhood abuse caused him to kill three small-town police officers was convicted Aug. 9 of capital murder.By Billboard Staff 08/16/2005 Share on Facebook Share on X Share to Flipboard Share on Pinterest + ...
how trains have changed the way we live. Also heading to MIPCOM is extraordinary true crime documentarySlender Man: The Untold Story(1 x 120’), produced by Dorsey Pictures for Reelz (US), exploring how a fictional internet character drove two young girls from a small Wisconsin town to kill...