LINCOLN, Neb. (KSNB) - The Nebraska Supreme Court denied an appeal from a Colorado Springs man who was convicted of killing an Imperial woman in 2019. In 2022, a Chase County jury convicted 28-year-old Kevin German of second-degree murder, kidnapping and false imprisonment in t...
Before the unforgiving heat wave hit Geneva, Nebraska, in July 1934, the state was already struggling due to a severe drought that had worsened living conditions for farmers and other residents. During "The Heat Wave of 1934," people slept outdoors to escape from the terrible heat in their ...
in June 2019, severe storms in central and southern Indiana caused floods that left thousands of households powerless. Several roads also had to be closed after there werereports of cars being stuck in the floods.
I lived in Aurora for more than 30 years of my life and I'm still alive. If you stay in your neighborhood, and make sure it isn't one with blacks or Mexicans, then you will be fine. In my opinion, kill all criminals convicted 3 separate times and watch the crime rates drop. ...