MUP-uPA/SCID/Bg mice infected with different HCV genotypes.Abeba, TesfayeJudith, StiftDragan, MaricQingwen, CuiHansPeter, DienesStephen, M. Feinstone
Potential Barriers to Human Hepatocyte Transplantation in MUP‐uPAtg(+/+)Rag2−/−γC−/− Mice Potential barriers to human hepa- tocyte transplantation in MUP-uPARag2gammaC mice. Cell Transplantation 2013; PMID:23998208Komori J, Deward AD, Grami... J Komori,Deward AD,R Gramignoli,...
MUP-uPA/SCID/Bg mice sensitivity to HBV.Abeba, TesfayeJudith, StiftDragan, MaricQingwen, CuiHansPeter, DienesStephen, M. Feinstone
Detection of HCV infection in transgenic MUP-uPA/SCID/Bg mice engrafted with human hepatocytes.Abeba TesfayeJudith StiftDragan MaricQingwen CuiHansPeter DienesStephen M. Feinstone