Fermilab研究部副主任Joe Lykken补充说:“遏制介子的微妙行为是一项了不起的成就,它将在未来的几年中指导物理研究超越标准模型。” “这是粒子物理学研究的激动人心的时刻,费米实验室处于前沿。” Muon g-2实验的第一个结果证实了二十年前BNL进行的实验的结果。 尽管这些结果略小于声明阳性结果所需的5σ的标准偏...
The Muon Campus (MC) is able to measure Muon g-2 with high precision and comparing its value to the theoretical prediction. The MC has four 300 KW screw compressors and four liquid helium refrigerators. The centerpiece of the Muon g-2 experiment at Fermilab is a large, 50-foot-diameter ...
μ子可接受的理论值为: g-factor: 2.00233183620(86) anomalous magnetic moment: Muon g-2实验宣布的结果是: g-factor: 2.00233184122(82) anomalous magnetic moment: (图片来源:Fermilab / Muon g-2) Muon g-2的第一个结果证实了二十年前布鲁克海文实验室的结果。这两个结果一起显示了有力的证据,表明μ子...
Fermilab研究部副主任Joe Lykken补充说:“遏制介子的微妙行为是一项了不起的成就,它将在未来的几年中指导物理研究超越标准模型。” “这是粒子物理学研究的激动人心的时刻,费米实验室处于前沿。” Muon g-2实验的第一个结果证实了二十年前BNL进行的实验的结果。 尽管这些结果略小于声明阳性结果所需的5σ的标准偏...
今年4月份,费米国家加速器实验室(Fermilab)公布了Muon g-2实验的初步结果,这加强了新物理学的证据。社交媒体上充满了关于这个物理学中出现的新粒子的新闻。这个潜在的发现可能有什么意义?这可能会改变我们所知的物理学定律,因为μ介子(Muons)是宇宙的一个相当重要的部分。这一发现的影响可能会改变现有的关于外太空...
“Today is an extraordinary day, long awaited not only by us but by the whole international physics community,” says Graziano Venanzoni of the INFN, who is co-spokesperson of the Fermilab muon g-2 collaboration. “A large amount of credit goes to our young researchers who, with their tale...
At the Fermi National Laboratory (Fermilab), Batavia, USA, a new experiment has been approved which aims to improve the present experimental uncertainty by a factor of about five. At this level the muon magnetic anomaly is superior in sensitivity to, e.g., LHC concerning tests of several ...
Muon g–2: the promise of a generation15 April 2021 The long-awaited g–2 result from Fermilab offers a moment to reflect on the perseverance and tight collaboration required by theorists and experimentalists to deliver progress, write Themis Bowcock and Mark Lancaster. Pioneering The CERN g-2...
We revisit an economical model for the g−2 anomaly featuring a vector-like charged fermion, a scalar doublet and a scalar singlet in the light of new results from Fermilab. The phenomenological implications for lepton-flavor universality, Higgs decays, and charged lepton-flavor violating decays...
Muon g ? 2 anomaly in anomaly mediation Supersymmetry PhenomenologyA bstract The long-standing muon g ? 2 anomaly has been confirmed recently at the Fermilab. The combined discrepancy from Fermilab and Brookhaven results shows a difference from the theory at a significance of 4.2 蟽 . In ...