MunicipalSolidWasteManagementinChina:Status,problemsandchallenges ChinaRapidMSWGeneration NoothercountryhaseverexperiencedaslargeandasfastanincreaseinsolidwastequantitiesthatChinaisnowfacing.Urbanizationpopulationgrowthindustrialization ChinaRapidMSWGeneration Currently,thereareabout660citiesinChinathatproduceabout190milliontones...
In recent years, MSW management in Istanbul has improved because of strong governance and institutional involvement. However, efforts directed toward applied research are still required to enable better waste management. These efforts will greatly support decision making on the part of municipal ...
MunicipalInfrastructureAssetManagement SaidurRahman,Ph.D.SeniorCapitalPlanningOfficer 1 ActLocallyandThinkGlobally Society,EconomyandEnvironment ConsumptionServices BuiltEnvironment Roads,Bridges,Buildings,Transits,Fleets,Water,Sanitary,Drainage,Energy,Communications,ParksandPublicFacilities ReducedLife Waste 2 Presentation...
In 2022, approximately 229.5 million metric tons of municipal waste were generated in the European Union (EU-27), down from some 237.5 million metric tons in the previous year. This was the first annual year-over-year decrease recorded in a decade. ...
Moisture Retention Properties of Municipal SolidWaste in Relation to CompressionGuillaume Stoltz1; Anne-Julie Tinet2; Matthias J. Staub3;Laurent Oxarango4; and Jean-Pierre Gourc5Abstract: Original laboratory setups are used to study the moisture retention properties of municipal solid waste taking int...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Article Evaluating the Efficiency of Municipal Solid Waste Management in China Qing Yang, Lingmei Fu, Xingxing Liu * and Mengying Cheng School of Management, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China; (Q...
Introduction Today, 54% of the world's population lives in urban areas. This proportion is expected to increase to 66% until 2050 [1]. This intensive increase of the world's population leads to increased waste production. The waste management systems can be divided into two main parts: ...
In other words, the success in solid waste management depends on the extent to which stakeholders are integrated into the management process, thus harnessing their respective resources to build collective strength with a clear division of roles and responsibilities [15]. So far, with a top-down ...
Keywords: waste management; energy recovery; anaerobic digestion; real option theory 1. Introduction In recent years, policy makers, researchers, and practitioners have devoted attention to environmental sustainability issues both in urban and industrial environments to identify and adopt sustainable systems...
Article Rice Husk Ash to Stabilize Heavy Metals Contained in Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Fly Ash: First Results by Applying New Pre-treatment Technology Laura Benassi 1, Federica Franchi 1,:, Daniele Catina 1,:, Flavio Cioffi 2, Nicola Rodella 1, Laura Borgese 1, Michela Pasquali 1, ...