The Government's proposalofintroducingamunicipal solid wastecharging scheme is meant to offer a direct financial incentive [...] 政府建議推行都市固體廢物收費計劃,是希望透過直接的經濟誘因,鼓勵市民減少產生廢物,並且把有用的廢 物回收和循環再造。
Based on current situation of waste discharging management in China, a three-stage transitional charging scheme is proposed and both advantages and drawbacks discussed. Evidence suggests that a transition from a fixed disposal fee to a plastic bag-based disposal fee involving various stakeholders should...
a resultSMMUis a solid choice for investors seeking broad exposure to the muni market but with lower levels of risk. The fund offers less diversification than most with under 80 total securities while charging one of the higher expense ratios in the Category of 35 basis points. As a result,...
To deal with these problems, in this paper, we propose five approaches with the aim of identifying the most sustainable strategy for efficient solid waste disposal in HK: a food waste recycling program; an MSW charging scheme; the implementation of incineration plants (i.e., waste to energy)...
The composting and AD plant scales were calculated dividing the inlet waste by the respective number of working days of the plants. The residual fraction was treated according to the scheme described in S3. The proposed scenarios are summarized in Figure 1. Figure 1. Schematic overview of ...
This paper evaluates the impact of the second municipal solid waste (MSW) source separation program on municipal solid waste generation (MSWG) in China. Without considering the spatial interactions between cities, the second MSW source separation program
The “pay-as-you-throw” (PAYT) scheme is an economic instrument for waste management that applies the “polluter pays” principle by charging the inhabitants of municipalities according to the amount of residual, organic, and bulky waste they send for third-party waste management. When combined...
Keywords: municipal solid waste; organic waste; stakeholders; composting; social network analysis; agriculture 1. Introduction As in other cities in Asian developing countries, organic waste in Hanoi accounts for the largest proportion of the municipal solid waste (MSW). The city produces more than ...