our shareholders 3 Munich Re Group Annual Report 2023 Last year was very good for Munich Re.We managed to surpass our profit target for the third consecutive year.With a net result of 4.6bn,your company earned 600m more than we had initially planned for 2023.We would like you to benefit...
Annual Report 2023 Download report Services for investors The investor relations team of Munich Re provides services and updates for investors, shareholders, analysts. Share price Ad-hoc announcements Investing in Munich Re The aim of Munich Re’s entrepreneurial thinking and activity is to analyse ri...
Munich Re operates can be found in our Annual Report.3.4bn Munich Re profit 2022We take on risks of many types and complexities worldwide.Munich Re stands for exceptional solution-based expertise,consistent risk management and financial stability.We attach great importance to maintaining close and ...
PDF, 374 KB Download Remuneration Report (excerpt from the Annual Report 2018) PDF, 499 KB This may also interest you Investor Relations Managers' Transactions Management Supervisory Board About Munich Re Organisation About Munich Re Facts and Figures Topics...
Source: Munich Re Group Annual Report 2019 抵抗全球暖化與投資網路安全領域 另外在公司的財報裡有提到,對抗全球暖化是公司的主要策略之一,為了符合巴黎協定在遏止氣候暖化上的目標,Munich Re計畫在2050年讓投資的部位能夠達到氣候中性(climate neutral),因此Munich Re將會逐步減少在煤礦以及開採油業相關的投資。由於Mun...
Innovative solutions from Munich Re help to ensure that all parties can make use of the dynamically growing future energy market and minimise the associated risks. The Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovern- mental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published in 2007 has con?rmed that the ...
“We’re disappointed we’re not moving forward,” Toronto 2026 spokesperson Bob Richardson toldThe Canadian Press. “From 20 cities, shortlisted to eight and now three – we just didn’t quite make it,” added Richardson who had been instrumental in bringing the FIFA World Cup...
(https://www.ifo.de/node/60733) 2 Statista, Changes in the Interest Rate of the European Central Bank Through 2020, 2021 (https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/201216/umfrage/ezb-zinssatz-fuer-das-hauptrefinanzierungsgeschaeft-seit- 1999/) 3 Deutsche Bundesbank, Monthly Report ...
If you’re a homebrewer and you’ve never done a decoction: try it out. It may seem scary, but after brewing several beers with decoction mashing, I can safely say that it’s really hard to screw things up if you just follow the principle of doughing in, heating it up to about 40...
Through HKN, Stadtsparkasse München benefits fromNextcloud Enterpriseadvantages like improved security, stability and of course direct access to our top engineers. As a highly trusted financial institution, Stadtsparkasse München has always been looking a step ahead to provide the most advanced, modern...