It was crawling with foreign visitors - including Yanks who ended up being stuck there thanks to a certain volcano -while a handful of products created the kind of buzz that always marked great shows of the past.rnHi-Fi News takes some credit for the biggest buzz of them all: the ...
'm writing this column on the long flight back to New York City following High End Munich, the big hi-fi show that in regular times takes place each May. Because these are not regular times, this was the first Munich show since 2019. This show was smaller than other recent Munich ...
This week the MOC München is playing host to the high-end hi-fi show, with the first two days solely reserved for trade visitors and the weekend days opening up to the general public. 11 of the best products at High End Munich 2022 ...
Make no mistake, Munich’s High End is no ordinary hi-fi show—the scale is so jaw-dropping that you need to recalibrate your senses. The show comprised three vast exhibition floors, each seemingly the size of a major indoor concert arena, housing 550 exhibition rooms and...
同样是展会上颇受欢迎的小礼品 展会现场资料有限,一些新品并未仔细拍照展示,稍显遗憾。 更多新品资讯,不妨看看来自WHAT HI-FI和6moons网站的报道(建议电脑端查看,点击网站名称即可)。 不过咱们也别着急,今年下半年,国内外大大小小的音响展还有不少。待到时机成熟,不妨再一听为快!
就在当地时间5月9日,全球最大、最高端的音响行业展览会——德国慕尼黑高端音响展览会(High End Munic...
动态| “开启音质新篇章”全新Denon DCD-3000NE CD 播放器 动态| “近乎全能的媒体中心”R-N2000A流媒体高保真功放使用感受 动态| “紫爱一生,闪耀爱情”LOVE-520恺撒堡音响新品发布会浪漫启幕 关于声学 | 要在Hi-Fi房间中获得理想的声学效果,房间的比例和面积是关键因素发表...
Munich 2013 – Earphones & Headphones, Part 1 (Hi-Fi+) BLOG by Chris Martens May 20, 2013 A A A At Munich High-End 2013, as across much of the high-end audio universe, earphones, headphones, and personal audio components claimed an increasingly large share of attention. In Europe, ...
Silent Angel除了是高保真数字音源设备研发的品牌之外,更致力于研制稳定准确的电源供应、低噪声低干扰的信号传输、低功耗的电路设计,通过以多年积累的技术来守护数字Hi-Fi的音乐本质。Silent Angel所推出的每一款产品,最主要都是配合其生态链,因此使用上是极力建议搭配自家的产品进行使用。本次聆听使用Munich MU搭配同属...