Copa Mundial de Fútbol Sub-17 balones de la copa mundial de fútbol football La Copa Mundial es el evento deportivo más popular del mundo The World Cup is the most popular sporting event in the world Copa Mundial de Fútbol de 2006 ...
Se acerca el estreno deLos Pumas de Argentinaen elCircuito Mundial delRugby Sevens2024-25y el equipo albiceleste buscará defender la excepcional temporada pasada, que les permitió finalizar en el primer lugar de la clasificación final y llegar a la Gran Final de Madrid, donde quedaron subcam...
Both fighters needed a win here for different reasons. Williams in a drive to get into the world ratings before time passes him by and De Loach to rebound after losses to fellow prospects Nathaniel Gallimore and Jeison Rosario. It was close all the way and the result could have gone to e...
Southpaw Meehan makes it seven wins on the trot by KO/TKO as he disposes of ancient Argentinian Ruiz inside a round. The 23-year-old 6’5” Meehan is the son of former WBO heavyweight title challenger Kali Meehan. Willis also plays professional rugby league and this is his fourth one rou...
Entre elsábado 30 de noviembre y el domingo 1 de diciembre, dará comienzo la temporada 2024-25 del Circuito Mundial de Rugby Sevens de World Rugby en la ciudad deDubaiy Argentina mantiene su condición de favorita a pelear por los primeros lugares. ...
Scottish fighter to win the Scottish heavyweight title since George Stern beat Hugh McDonald in 1951. He is a former professional rugby player having played for a premier level team Glasgow Warriors. McFarlane weighed 200lbs when winning the Scottish Area cruiser title in 2018 but was 276lbs ...