Movie News! MAMA/M.A.M.A. From the producer of Waco: The Rules of Engagement (1997 FFF) comes this provocative investigation of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, a perplexing psychological disorder where a mother secretly but deliberately harms her child in order to get the sympathy and praise of...
(定义部分来自Wiki)孟乔森综合征(Munchausen syndrome)是指一种通过描述、幻想疾病症状,假装有病乃至主动伤残自己或他人,以取得同情的心理疾病。它还有求医癖、住院癖、佯病症等俗名。此疾病得名于德国的一位男爵——闵希豪森男爵(Freiherr von Münchhausen),此人虚构了许多自己的冒险故事,如在月球上漫步,拽着自己的...
As it turns out, Hannah wasn’t a cancer victim; she was a victim ofMunchausen syndrome by proxy, a rare yetoft-dramatizedcondition in which a caregiver, generally a mother, fabricates or induces illness in someone they are looking after. Teresa ultimately went to jail for six-and-a-half...