“Delegates, a motion to introduce Draft Resolution 1.1 has been raised, this motion does not require seconds nor a vote, and thereby passes automatically, it has been uploaded to the Drive, would the sponsors of the resolution please like to read out the operative clauses of the resolution...
MUN 文件书写 (中英文)MUN中的文件写作FilesWritinginMUN MUN中的文件 •背景材料BackgroundGuide•立场文件PositionPaper•工作文件WorkingPaper•决议草案DraftResolution•修正案Amendment•决议Resolution •定义:立场文件是表达某个国家或组织在某个特定议题上的立场概要的文件 •作用:•对本国:了解别国...
Change the word “immediately” to “gradually” in operative clauses, No. 6. ?Delete the operative clause No. 7. ?Add as the final operative clause: Decides to remain seized of the matter. ?Friendly Amendment ?Unfriendly Amendment 20% ?Unfriendly---Vote after the close of the debate and...
Amendments can do one of three things to the operative clauses of a resolution (note perambulatory clauses cannot be amended, but are less important).1. Add a clause 2. Strike a clause 3. Amend a Clause Tip: You want to make sure to highlight what it is you are changing, which mak...
operative clauses, No. 6. •Delete the operative clause No. 7. •Add as the final operative clause: Decides to remain seized of the matter. •Friendly Amendment •Unfriendly Amendment 20% •Unfriendly---Vote after the close of the debate ...
MUN 文件书写 (中英文)MUN中的文件写作FilesWritinginMUN MUN中的文件 •背景材料BackgroundGuide•立场文件PositionPaper•工作文件WorkingPaper•决议草案DraftResolution•修正案Amendment•决议Resolution •定义:立场文件是表达某个国家或组织在某个特定议题上的立场概要的文件 •作用:•对本国:了解别国...