专辑:木乃伊3龙帝之墓The Mummy Tomb of the Dragon Emperor 艺人:电影原声 厂牌:Varese Sarabande 时间:2008/07/29 评分:★★★☆ 《木乃伊3龙帝之墓》肯定是“木乃伊”系列在中国最受欢迎的一部,毕竟这其中涉及到了秦俑和秦始皇这样的中国元素。但如果你因此... (展开) ...
「木乃伊3」The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (2008)共计2条视频,包括:The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor Trailer、The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor TV spot等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。
A Movie Review: Mummy 3If you're a fan of the "Mummy" movies, you've probably alrcady seen the latest in the franchise, "The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor". It opened Fri-day.Returning in this threequel(第三部续集) is Brendan Fraser. You may have seen him earlier this sum...
The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor In America, The Mummy:Tomb of the Dragon Emperor(木乃伊3:龙帝之墓Mù’nǎiyí sān:Lóngdì zhī mù) is a 2008 adventure film and sequel to The Mummy (1999) and The Mummy Returns (2001). The film stars Brendan Fraser, Maria Bello, John Hannah...
The Mummy: Tomb Of The Dragon Emperor (《木乃伊3:龙帝之墓》电影原声带) Randy Edelman 发行时间:2008-01-01 专辑共30首收藏 1 A Call To Adventure Randy Edelman 2 Silently Yearning For Centuries Randy Edelman 3 Open Wound Randy Edelman 4 The Reign Of Terror Randy Edelman 5 A Family Presses ...
dragon, kidnaps Lin, and flies to his tomb where he raises the Terracotta Army, now aided by General Yang's soldiers. The Emperor announces his plans to conquer the entire world and that once he leads his army across the Great Wall, they will be invincible. The O'Connells and Zi Yuan...
If you’re a fan of the “Mummy” movies, you’ve probably already seen the latest in the franchise, “The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor.” It opened Friday. Returning in this threequel (续集的续集) is Brendan Fraser.You may have seen him earlier this summer in the remake of ...
木乃伊3 The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (2008)导演: 罗伯·科恩编剧: Alfred Gough / Miles Millar主演: 布兰登·费舍 / 李连杰 / 玛丽亚·贝罗 / 约翰·汉纳 / 卢克·福特 / 杨紫琼 / 梁洛施 / 黄秋生 / 吴京类型: 动作 / 惊悚 / 奇幻 / 冒险制片国家/地区: 美国 / 德国语言: 英语 / ...
“木乃伊”的崛起 话说罗伯·科恩一直都想制作一部以中国为故事背景的影片,所以当他拿到《木乃伊3:龙帝之墓》的剧本时,几乎是毫不犹豫地欣然接受了这次做导演的机会,他已经迫不及待地想要带着观众一起去窥探秦朝的兵马俑以及拥有不死身的古中国君王所引起的恐怖风潮了。 其实严格地说起来,《木乃伊3:龙帝之墓》...
Dragon Emperor不知道标准翻译是什么,这句话大体意思是Dragon Emperor的木乃伊墓穴打开了。