必应词典为您提供multivariate-time-series-model的释义,un. 多元时间序列模型;
The staple of econometrics textbooks, the simultaneous equations model, is a multivariate model; and when the data are time series it becomes a multivariate time series model. John Geweke (1978) laid out the connection of the notation and standard assumptions of simultaneous equations modelling to ...
import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.optim as optim import numpy as np from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split # 生成示例数据 np.ran
摘要:华为云数据库创新Lab在论文《MARINA: An MLP-Attention Model for Multivariate Time-Series Analysis》中提出了华为自研的自回归时序神经网络模型,可用于时序数据的预测以及异常检测。 本文分享自华为云社区《CIKM'22 MARINA论文解读》,作者: 云数据库创新Lab 。 华为云数据库创新Lab在论文《MARINA...
华为云数据库创新Lab在论文《MARINA: An MLP-Attention Model for Multivariate Time-Series Analysis》中提出了华为自研的自回归时序神经网络模型,可用于时序数据的预测以及异常检测。本文发表在CIKM'22上,CIKM会议是由美国计算机协会(ACM)组织的、数据挖掘领域的顶级国际学术会议,该会议与2022年10月17日到21日在美国佐...
The staple of econometrics textbooks, the simultaneous equations model, is a multivariate model; and when the data are time series it becomes a multivariate time series model. John Geweke (1978) laid out the connection of the notation and standard assumptions of simultaneous equations modelling to ...
One approach is to fit a suitable ARIMA or other linear time series model and then apply the usual Ljung-Box portmanteau test to the squares of the residuals. McLeod and Li (1983) suggested this as a general test for nonlinearity. The built-in function Box.test() provides a convenient fun...
The simulation results based on the real data collected from the Rufiji Delta, Tanzania, show that this kind of model is well suited to predicting suspended sediment concentration and transportation of sediment. 展开 关键词: multivariate time-series model suspended sediment concentration current velocity...
sysNLARX = Nonlinear multivariate time series model with 2 outputs Outputs: y1, y2 Regressors: 1. Linear regressors in variables y1, y2 2. Order 2 regressors in variables y1, y2 Output functions: Output 1: Linear with offset Output 2: Linear with offset Sample time: 0.1 years Status: ...