browser = webdriver.Chrome(options=options, desired_capabilities=caps) dictionary_path = "./ru_cn_dictionary" if not os.path.exists(dictionary_path): os.mkdir(dictionary_path) pending_df = df[df["status"] == "Pending"] total = len(pending_df.index) count = 1 if total == 0: work =...
Translations of ‘’ in Multitran dictionary (Chinese-). Word forms, pronunciations, examples in different areas and phrases, forum discussions.
Multitran dictionary has a 15-year history. It began as an Academy of Sciences project in the 80s, suffered near collapse in the early 90s, slowly revitalized by 2000 and finally made a miraclous comeback when was registered on April 1, 2001 The site currently serves 15.000...
Multitran dictionary
A translator bot that uses Multitran online dictionary. Deployment Docker image will be built. Rundocker_run_multitran_bot.shto run the actual bot. TODO: Old readme below, perform cleanup Overview Deployment Make surePython 3andvirtualenvare installed. ...