update =lambda*args: pbar.update()# mac上好像要加上这个mp.set_start_method('forkserver', force=True)# 有多少个核心就开多少个进程n_proc = mp.cpu_count() pool = mp.Pool(n_proc)fordinls: pool.apply_async(wget.download, (d,'./download', ), callback=update) pool.close() pool.joi...
from tqdm import tqdm from multiprocessing import Pool import functools from pymongo import MongoClient mdb = MongoClient('120.xx.26.xx:20002', username='xx', password='xxxxx') # 三种main的写法只写一种即可 def create_data(image): # TODO 具体处理逻辑 print(image) return str(image) def mai...
My tqdm bar keeps hanging/freezing right towards the end of my script (when it is 99% complete), which is using multiprocessing Pool.apply_async(callback=lambda _: pbar.update(1) as in https://stackoverflow.com/a/58799918/13398561). The script works fine when I am not using tqdm, an...
from multiprocessing import Poolfrom tqdm import tqdmimport timedef myf(x): time.sleep(1) return x * xif __name__ == '__main__': value_x= range(200) P = Pool(processes=4) # 这里计算很快 res = [P.apply_async(func=myf, args=(i, )) for i in value_x] # 主要是看这里 resu...
for file in tqdm(files, total=len(files)): processes.append(pool.apply_async(process_file, args=(file, ens_str), )) for process in processes: data = process.get() ans.append(data) pool.close() pool.join() def process_file(file, ens_str): # ens_str 文件名后缀 ...
random()) return a ** 2 pool = Pool(2) ''' for _ in tqdm(pool.imap_unordered(myfunc, range(100)), total=100): pass ''' pbar = tqdm(total=100) def update(*a): pbar.update() # tqdm.write(str(a)) for i in range(pbar.total): pool.apply_async(myfunc, args=(i,), ...
Pool(processes=len(args.cuda_visible_device_ids)) as pool: for _ in tqdm.tqdm(pool.imap_unordered(translate, [(gpu_queue, cmd) for cmd in cmds]), total=len(cmds)): pass Example #7Source File: get_twitter_user_data_parallel.py From twitterscraper with MIT License 6 votes def main...
fromtqdm import tqdmfrommultiprocessing import Pool, Manager def apply_parallel(data): pbar =tqdm(total=len(data)) defupdate(*a): pbar.update() pool =Pool(process=8) nl =Manager().dict() for i in data: pool.apply_async(func,args(i, nl), callback=update) ...
apply_async(demo, args=(i, 100)) pool.close() pool.join() or even the original (canonical) example: from time import sleep from tqdm import tqdm from multiprocessing import Pool, freeze_support def progresser(n): text = "progresser #{}".format(n) for i in tqdm(range(5000), desc=...
from tqdm import tqdm from multiprocessing import Pool import functools from pymongo import MongoClient mdb = MongoClient('120.xx.26.xx:20002', username='xx', password='xxxxx') # 三种main的写法只写一种即可 def create_data(image): # TODO 具体处理逻辑 print(image) return str(image) def mai...