Grade Levels 5th-8th Subjects Fractions,Math,Word Problems Standards CCSS5.NF.B.4 CCSS5.NF.B.4a CCSS5.NF.B.5 Tags Activities Formats Included PDF, Google Apps™, Easel Activity Frequently assigned Pages 22 pages $8.00 tyJA Inspires ...
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5th Grade Quizzes 6th Grade Math Quizzes Number Sense Place Value Counting Rounding Numbers Comparing Numbers Number Lines Prime Numbers Negative Numbers Roman Numerals Addition Subtraction Add & Subtract Multiplication Division Times Tables Fractions ...
This short video walkthrough shows several problems from our Multiply Fractions Worksheet 2 being solved and has been produced by the West Explains Best math channel. If you would like some support in solving the problems on these sheets, check out the video!
Here are my go-to introductory word problems for when I first introduce multiplying and dividing fractions (again I introduce each one separately). I prefer to use fudge for all of my introductory word problems because I love fudge, my students love it, the contexts make sense and are relata...
4th Grade Math Interactive Notebook– allows you to introduce each standard with a word problem context. 4th Grade Math Task Cards Stay tuned for more blog posts that will help you teach your students to master multiplying fractions and whole numbers using number lines, models, and other visuals...
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Multiplication Word Problems 4th Grade Converting Metric UnitsConverting metric units is a great way to apply your knowledge of multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000 to convert metric measurements from one unit to another. We have a range of different metric unit conversions both with and...