They are different variations of polynomials, which means multiple numbers. The following chart has examples of what a monomial, binomial, and trinomial look like: Monomial Binomial Trinomial {eq}3x^4 {/eq} {eq}x-2 {/eq} {eq}2x^2 + 7x + 5 {/eq}...
In this explainer, we will learn how to multiply polynomial expressions together by expanding the parentheses. In order to multiply any two polynomial expressions together, we should first recall how we multiply a polynomial by a single term (i.e., monomial). We distribute the multiplication ...
Multiply the single term by each of the two terms, like this:2 term × 1 terms (binomial times monomial)Multiply each of the two terms by the single term, like this:(I did that one a bit faster by multiplying in my head before writing it down)...
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Vocabulary How many terms does a Binomial have? a) 1 term1 term b) 2 terms2 terms c) 3 terms3 terms d) Any number of termsAny number of terms Clip art How many terms does a Trinomial have? a) 1 term1 term b) 2 terms2 terms c) 3 terms3 terms d) Any number of termsAny nu...
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