Calculatingmachines Oneofthefirstcalculatingmachineswasanabacus.Abacusesarefastandaccurate,sopeoplestillusethemtoday.Ontheabacusinthepicture,thebeadsonthewiresrepresentones,tens,hundredsandthousandsstartingfromthebottomwire. Now,weusemoderncalculators.Thepictureontherightshowsamoderncalculator.Itcanadd,subtract,...
Can I multiply and divide by 10 and 100 and 1000? Teaching guidance Key vocabulary digit, decimal, multiply, times, divide, share, scale up, scale down, increase, decrease, factor, how many 100s in …?, tens of thousands, thousands, hundreds, tens, units, ones, tenths, hundredths, ...
an abacus.Abacuses are fast and accurate.On theabacus,the beads on the wires stand for ones,tens,hundreds and thousands,starting from the bottom wire.The abacus in the picture shows a number.Writeit down in figures and then in words.Multiply it by zero and then add 1.Whatis the answer?
There are more than 4.1 million confirmed COVID-19 cases around the world, but the true number of infections—taking into account undetected and asymptomatic infection—"is going to be in the tens, possibly hundreds of millions" he said. "So if one-in-1,000, or even one-in-10,000, ge...
There are more than 4.1 million confirmed COVID-19 cases around the world, but the true number of infections—taking into account undetected and asymptomatic infection—"is going to be in the tens, possibly hundreds of millions" he said. ...