Multiplication of Decimals by 10, 100, and 1000When we multiply a decimal number by 10, the decimal shifts to the right of the number by one place.For example, 15.2705×10=152.705Here, only one change takes place in the solution: the decimal shift from its position in 15.2705 to one pl...
aTherefore when the Integer conversion is used, it is necessary to multiply the Max and Min value for 1;10;100;1000 to obtain 0;1;2;3;4 digits after the decimal point. 所以,当使用时整数转换,倍增最大和最低值为1是必要的; 10; 100; 获得0的1000年; 1; 2; 3; 4个数字在小数点以后...
Jul 10, 2024 - My.City! commented on MonthlyAds-OH@'s photo Seriously! "
试题来源: 解析 1. 14*10=1402. 231*10=23103. 428*10=42804. 7910*10=791005. 74*100=74006. 93*100=93007. 634*100=634008. 7276*100=7276009. 8*1000=800010. 80*1000=8000011. 700*1000=70000012. 8660*1000=8660000 反馈 收藏 ...
4:1000yards/meters-10000yards/meters per cone 5:12cones/inner box, 10inner box/carton 6:50cones/carton 7:As customer's request Per conePer bagPer boxPer 20GPPer 40HQ Paper cone1.67 kg15 cone/10.5 ton24.5 ton Plastic tube1.25...