This program generates a multiplication table from 0 × 0 to 12 × 12. While simple, it provides a useful demonstration of nested loops. The Program in Action When you, the output will look like this: Multiplication Table, by Al Sweigart | ...
1#!/usr/bin/python2#desc: print multiplication table3#author: sx2024#time: 201802115#version: v1.06foriinrange(1,10):7forjinrange(1,10):8ifj <=i:9print("{j1} * {i1} =".format(i1=i,j1=j),i*j,end='')10else:11print("")12break13ifi==9:14print("")...
为了编写一个Python函数print_multiplication_table(n),该函数接受一个整数参数n并打印出一个n x n的乘法表,我们可以按照以下步骤进行: 定义函数: python def print_multiplication_table(n): 使用两层循环生成乘法表: 外层循环控制行,从1遍历到n。 内层循环控制列,也从1遍历到当前外层循环的数值(即行号)。
Python打印Multiplication Table 代码如下: i = 1 while i <= 9: n = 1 while n <= i: print('%d*%d=%d\t'%(n,i,i*n),end='') n += 1 print('') i += 1 输出结果: 1*1=1 1*2=2 2*2=4 1*3=3 2*3=6 3*3=9 1*4=4 2*4=8 3*4=12 4*4=16 1*5=5 2*5=10...
To display a multiplication table in Python, we can use a nested loop where the outer loop iterates over the numbers whose tables are to be displayed, and the inner loop iterates over the range of values from 1 to 10. To begin with, let us create a list of numbers, [1, 2, 3, ...
<?php//php program to print table of a given number//using recursion.functionPrintTable($num,$temp) {if($temp<=10) {echo"$numX$temp= ".$num*$temp."<br>"; PrintTable($num,$temp+1); } } PrintTable(5,1);?> Output 5 X 1 = 5 5 X 2 = 10 5 X 3 = 15 5 X 4 = 20...
The following codes are listed for reference: 1.// Java Program to Print the Multiplication2.// Table in Triangular*;5.public6.class7.MultiplicationTableTrianglePattern {8.9.// Function to print tables in triangular form10.11.public12.static13.void14.main(String args...
Code Repository files navigation README MIT license Table of Contents Project Overview Project Name:PNNL HPDA Sparse-BLAS Principle Investigator:Ang Li Developers:Chenhao Xie, Jieyang Chen, Jiajia Li, Shuaiwen Song, Linghao Song, Jesun Firoz ...
Here is a table showcasing the results of multiplying various numbers with infinite decimals in Python: Flowchart flowchart TD Start --> Input Input --> Perform Multiplication Perform Multiplication --> Display Result The flowchart above illustrates the process of performing multiplication with infinite...