Formula Breakdown The formula VLOOKUP(G8,B4:D15,3,FALSE) searched for the value of G8 cell “Angela” in the first column of the table: B4:D15. After it found one, it moved right to the 3rd column (As the col_index_number is 3). The value from there was 322. This sample wo...
Vlookup and concatenate multiple corresponding values with Kutools for Excel Tired of Excel's VLOOKUP limitations when dealing with multiple corresponding values? But with Kutools for Excel's One-to-Many Lookup feature, you can effortlessly look up and concatenate multiple corresponding values in just ...
Popular Features:Find, Highlight or Identify Duplicates|Delete Blank Rows|Combine Columns or Cells without Losing Data|Round without Formula... Super Lookup:Multiple Criteria VLookup|Multiple Value VLookup|VLookup Across Multiple Sheets|Fuzzy Lookup... Advanced...
In Excel 2007 - Excel 365, you can nest up to 64 IF functions. In older versions of Excel 2003 and lower, up to 7 nested IF functions can be used. However, the fact that you can nest a lot of IFs in one formula doesn't mean you should. Please keep in mind that each additional...
I understand how to do a simple vlookup =VLOOKUP(SF!A11,SF!A:B,2,FALSE). However, I don't want to have to do it 68 more times. Is there a way to do the whole process in one function? I guess it could be done by somehow matching the country names and feed in the country cod...
Method 2 – VLOOKUP and Return Multiple Values Horizontally from a Sequence of Data in Excel Step 1: ➤In the outputCell C16, the required formula will be: =IF(COLUMN()-2<=COUNTIF($B$5:$B$14,$B16), INDEX($C$5:$C$14,MATCH($B16,$B$5:$B$14,0)+COLUMN()-3),"") ...
One more way to Vlookup between multiple sheets in Excel is to use a combination of VLOOKUP and INDIRECT functions. This method requires a little preparation, but in the end, you will have a more compact formula to Vlookup in any number of spreadsheets. ...
This tutorial will demonstrate how to perform an XLOOKUP with multiple criteria in Excel. If your version of Excel does not support XLOOKUP, read how to use the VLOOKUP instead. XLOOKUP Multiple Criteria Concatenation One common way of performing a multiple criteria XLOOKUP is by concatenating ...
The attached file is Excel 2013 and it shows a possible way with VLOOKUP. You have to enter the formula with ctrl+shift+enter if you don't work with Office365 or 2021. =IFERROR(VLOOKUP($E2&F$1,CHOOSE({1,2},$B$2:$B$24&$C$2:$C$24,$A$2:$A$24),2,0),"")...
The attached file is Excel 2013 and it shows a possible way with VLOOKUP. You have to enter the formula with ctrl+shift+enter if you don't work with Office365 or 2021. =IFERROR(VLOOKUP($E2&F$1,CHOOSE({1,2},$B$2:$B$24&$C$2:$C$24,$A$2:$A$24),2,0),"")...