(4.)将SUMIF + SUMIF +…函数用于多个OR条件,将KTE和KTW的数量相加: =SUMIF(A2:A12,"KTE",C2:C12) + SUMIF(A2:A12,"KTW",C2:C12)(A2:A12是包含条件的范围单元格,韩国电信和韩国电信是您要基于其求和值的标准,C2:C12指您要求和的范围),然后按输入获得结果的关键: 在Excel中使用多个条件对单元格值...
Doing a conditional sum in Excel is a piece of cake as long as all the values to be totaled are in one column. Summing multiple columns is a problem because both theandfunctions require the sum range and criteria ranges to be equally sized. Luckily, when there is no straight way to do...
Read More:SUMIF for Multiple Criteria Across Different Sheet in Excel Method 2 – Merging SUMPRODUCT SUMIF and INDIRECT Functions Across Multiple Sheets Insert the name of the sheets (Quarter 1, Quarter 2, Quarter 3)in the sheet where we will make the calculation for yearly sales. ...
How to Sum Multiple Rows in Excel Based on Criteria Steps: Go to cell C10 and use this formula: =SUMIF($B$5:$B$9,$B$5,C5:C9) Press Enter and copy this formula to cells D10 and E10. You should get the total Hair Dryer sales for each month. How to Sum Multiple Rows in Exc...
The formula for multiple IF statements in Excel is as follows: =IF(logical_test1, [value_if_true1], IF(logical_test2, [value_if_true2], IF(logical_test3, [value_if_true3], [value_if_false]))) Excel IF Range Source:https://www.ablebits.com/office-addins-blog/if-and-formula-in...
Excel SUMIF function - syntax & usage The SUMIF function is used to conditionally sum values based on asingle criteria. We discussed theSUMIF syntaxin detail in the previous article, and here's just a quick refresher. SUMIF(range, criteria, [sum_range]) ...
How to use the SUMPRODUCT function in Excel: Returns the SUM after multiplication of values in multiple arrays in excel. SUM if date is between:Returns the SUM of values between given dates or period in excel. Sum if date is greater than given date:Returns the SUM of values after the giv...
RegisterSign InMicrosoft Community Hub CommunitiesProducts Microsoft 365 Excel Forum Discussion juan jimenez Iron ContributorApr 29, 2021 excel sum if multiple criteria Hi, I am trying to add numbers different years. I would like to have the possibility to do it through the column of dates or ...
Excel SUMIF function with multiple tables Same Detlef's formula, only to 'exclude' columns with amounts =SUMPRODUCT((YEAR($E$8:$AL$31*(MOD(COLUMN($E$8:$AL$31)-COLUMN($E$8),3)=0))=A15)*($F$8:$AM$31)) Hi Lidia =SUMPRODUCT((YEAR($E$5:$W$28)=A12)*($F$5:$X$28))...
Click the "Data" tab in the Excel ribbon. Click the "Consolidate" button in the "Data Tools" group. In the "Consolidate" dialog box, select the function you want to use to consolidate the data (e.g., sum, average, count).