Sample 1 shows how you can set up multiple cameras in specific regions (check Rect) at different locations (check LocalPosition) Sample 2 shows how you can set up an aerial view camera (check LocalPosition and LocalRotation) that renders the player on top of everything else (check ClearFlags...
This is a permissions error .Give both Adobe folders read and write permissions in these locations : MAC HD/Users/<user folder>/Library/Application Support/Adobe MAC HD/Library/Application Support/Adobe Don't forget to apply to enclosed items : Votes 2 Upvotes Translate Translat...
Box plots of fish species richness as estimated by four primer pairs at five sampling locations (four estuaries and one coastal water in UK; Collins et al.2019). The horizontal bar, boxes, and whiskers represent the median value, 25–75th percentiles, and values < 1.5-fold the interquartile...
For odontocetes, killer whale vocalizations (not identified to the ecotypes) were sparsely detected via automated and manual analysis at all three locations. Sperm whale clicks were common in GS data and detected at SG, but not RI. Cuvier’s beaked whale (Ziphius cavirostris) clicks were id...
Which ports need to be enabled to configure log shipping between two different locations. Who Disabled SQL Job Who should be database owner on production server ? Who started the trace? How to stop it? why SQL Server 2012 still needs the "Stolen Server Memory (KB)" Why a user can't ex...
From PolyViNE’s point of view, an end-to-end VN assignment is performed on the controller network,GC. The VN requestGV=(NV,LV) is partitioned intoKsubgraphsGkV=NkV,LkVsuch thatNV=∪kNkVandLV=∪kLkV⋃LMV, whereLMVis the set of virtual links that will cross domain boundaries. In th...
6. The method of claim 1, wherein the resources within the set of multiple programmable units comprises register locations within the multiple programmable units. 7. The method of claim 1, wherein the single address space comprises addresses corresponding to shared resources external to the multiple...
And any stream streamed to that application will be forwarded on to the other service, as well as being served up from the server! You can add multiple "pushes" to forward the stream to multiple locations. Example nginx.conf: #user nobody;worker_processes 1;error_log logs/rtmp_error.log...
When a new HoloLens first joins the session, the location of the EnergyHub may not be correct on that device. However, as soon as the anchor and EnergyHub locations have been downloaded from the service, the EnergyHub should jump to the new, shared location. If this does not happen with...
the method's body is the same of the sequential implementation and the constructs required for the parallel execution are much more declarative. The programmer is aware that multiple method instances will execute in parallel, possibly in different locations with their own addressing spaces, but no ...