Exceptional AutoCAD, Adobe Suite and digital production skills. Proficiency in graphic communication, analysis, 3D modeling programs(SketchUp, Lumion, etc.) and Adobe Suite. Proficiency in ArcGIS with examples of mapping and analysis, and proven experience with construction documentation...
Crossing selection. Drag your cursor from right to left to select objects that the rectangular window encloses or crosses. With a window selection, usually the entire object must be contained in the rectangular selection area. However, if an object with a noncontinuous (dashed) linetype is only...
AutoCAD.DatabaseServices; using Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput; [CommandMethod("MergeSelectionSets")] public static void MergeSelectionSets() { // Get the current document editor Editor acDocEd = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor; // Request for objects to be selected in the drawing...
07. 在快速和引导模式下工作(07. Working In The Quick And Guided Modes) 07_01-介绍(07_01-Introduction) 07_06-反思(07_06-Making Reflections) 07_07-美白牙齿(07_07-Whitening Teeth) 07_08-保存元素文件(07_08-Saving Elements Files) 08. 理解选择(08. Understanding Selection) 08_01-介绍(08_...
Sub ColumnToRowTransposing() Dim wrkRng As Range Dim trgtRng As Range Set wrkRng = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Provide the columns", Type:=8) Set trgtRng = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Select the destination cell", Type:=8) wrkRng.Copy trgtRng.Select Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPa...
Sub InsertBlankRowsAtCursor() Answer = InputBox("Input the number of rows to insert (Do not exceed 200)") NumberofLines = Int(Val(Answer)) If NumberofLines > 200 Then NumberofLines = 200 End If If NumberofLines = 0 Then GoTo EndInsertLines End If Do Selection.EntireRow.Insert Count = ...
07. 在快速和引导模式下工作(07. Working In The Quick And Guided Modes) 07_01-介绍(07_01-Introduction) 07_06-反思(07_06-Making Reflections) 07_07-美白牙齿(07_07-Whitening Teeth) 07_08-保存元素文件(07_08-Saving Elements Files) 08. 理解选择(08. Understanding Selection) 08_01-介绍(08_...
All Points only among a User selection? Should the Spheres be 3D Solids, or would you want to use a Sphere defined into a Block, with its insertion point in the middle? Make or Insert them all on a particular Layer, or on the Layer of the Points they replace? Always the same Sphere...
also OPTIONS to set PICKADD, see Tab Selection in Options dialog, in the middle of the left side. http://help.autodesk.com/view/ACD/2019/ENU/?guid=GUID-DD2A36B6-1196-4205-9A07-32056292F0B5 Sebastian Reply Report 1 Anonymous in reply to Alfred.NESWADBA 07-12-2018 05:33 ...
There is no way in Illustrator to do exactly what you ask, without using a script. Illustrator though has many many tools that help with selections. Best I can suggest for your example is the lasso tool, which can allow you to make this selection in one pass. Start at the green dot ...