Thanks - but how do I add next occurrence of the string? (CMD+D in Visual Studio Code) 0 Jul 03, 2019 3:22 AM KM Karl Metum @Dominic [MSFT]Just found it. It’s Shift+Option+. The command is called “Insert next matching caret” in Key Bindnings. ...
Then, the VSIX Installer shows the dialog in Figure 2 The VSIX Installer so you can select the compatible Visual Studio versions and editions in which to install the extension. Figure 2 The VSIX Installer VSIX files can be installed programmatically, too, using the VSIXInstaller.exe utility ...
In Visual Studio, right-click on the design surface and select “Generate Database from Model.” Add a connection to your new SQL Azure database and complete the wizard, which generates some Data Definition Language (DDL) and opens it in a .sql file, as shown in Figure 3. Figure 3 Gen...
In Visual Studio, use Help->Send Feedback->‘My Feedback’. Click ‘Provide More Info’. Select Attach System logs and click ‘Record your actions to reproduce an issue’ Perform that steps that cause the issue to occur. (If the issue is intermittent – just work normally u...
Issue Type: Bug I have a file with this content, indentation set to 2 spaces foo bar foobar If I select all lines and press TAB once, I would expect two spaces to be added in front of every single line: foo bar foobar However, it seems l...
In Visual Studio Code, create a new folder namedpipeline-templatesinside thedeployfolder. Create a new file in thepipeline-templatesfolder namedlint.yml. Paste the following pipeline template definition into the file: YAML jobs:- job:LintCodedisplayName:Lintcodesteps...
As before, in Windows, in the Save as type list, select YAML. In Visual Studio Code, add this code to build.yml: yml Copy parameters: buildConfiguration: 'Release' steps: - task: DotNetCoreCLI@2 displayName: 'Build the project - ${{ parameters.buildConfiguration }}' inputs: command...
This extension makes it possible to select multiple occurrences of a selected text for simultaneous editing with multiple cursors. Provides the most common multi-editing features. Aims to replicate the multi-editing features of Sublime Text/Visual Studio Code for faster coding. ...
Start Visual Studio Code, select Dev Containers: Open Folder in Container... from the Command Palette (F1) or quick actions Status bar item, and select the ./Repos/python folder. Tip: If you want to edit the container's contents or settings before opening the folder, you can run Dev ...
To open a second instance of the integrated development environment (IDE), right-click on the Visual Studio icon in your dock or Applications folder, and select New Instance.Open a second solution inside a single instanceTo open a second solution alongside your first solution, use the fo...