Define multiple sclerosis. multiple sclerosis synonyms, multiple sclerosis pronunciation, multiple sclerosis translation, English dictionary definition of multiple sclerosis. n. Abbr. MS A chronic autoimmune disease of the central nervous system in which
multiple sclerosis answers are found in the Taber's Medical Dictionary powered by Unbound Medicine. Available for iPhone, iPad, Android, and Web.
Multiple sclerosis was first clinically defined by Jean-Martin Charcot in 1868 (Capildeo, 1982). This famous French physician (1825 – 93) worked at the Salpêtrière, an asylum for over 5000 inmates in Paris. He was to establish the first Chair of Neurology in the world. In addition to ...
The meaning of MULTIPLE SYSTEM ATROPHY is any of several progressive neurodegenerative diseases that are of unknown cause, have an onset usually during middle age and are characterized by a combination of symptoms (as orthostatic hypotension, urinary inc
Multiple Sclerosis Medically reviewedby Last updated on Feb 9, 2025. What is multiple sclerosis (MS)? MS is a disease that leads to inflammation and damage to parts of your central nervous system (CNS). The CNS includes your brain, spinal cord, and nerves. MS causes your immun...
An autoimmune disease (that is, a disease where the body ‘attacks’ itself), multiple sclerosis develops when the outer casing around your nerves is attacked by your immune system. The medical term for your nerves’ outer casing is myelin sheaths. As your immune system attacks these sheaths ...
How Can I Prevent Multiple Sclerosis? As of yet, no way of preventing multiple sclerosis has been found. When Should You Seek Medical Care for Multiple Sclerosis? The symptoms of multiple sclerosis are very variable and differ from patient to patient. They can also be confused with symptoms of...
Follow along on our guide to Multiple Sclerosis, a chronic disease of the central nervous system. It is thought to be an autoimmune disease, where the body for unknown reasons attacks the myelin that protects the nerves, damaging it and causing a range of unpredictable symptoms such as blurred...
Information on multiple sclerosis. Read current research articles and learn about multiple sclerosis symptoms as well as the latest MS treatment options.