Hello all, I have a custom right click for a series of ranges on on of my sheets. But I want to have a different range of cells with different right click options. is that possible? here's a shortened version of my code: Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeRightClick(ByVal Target As Range,...
TheIFformula is one of the most common formulas I use when operating in Google Sheets. It’s a very simple formula that contains three parameters with the first being the condition to check, the second being the value to return if the condition is true, and the third being the value to ...
Tip.If you'd like to use Google Sheets QUERY to import ranges from multiple separate spreadsheets (files), you will have to implementIMPORTRANGE. Here's a formula to pull your data from other documents: =QUERY({IMPORTRANGE("XYZk0274gRlmluCTfMbzbMQWKiAeq1va77X4","Mar-Apr-May!A2:D6");...
2. Combine google sheets into one workbook Extension 1. Combine sheets then remove duplicates 1.1 Combine sheets then remove duplicates by Remove Duplicates 1.2 Combine sheets then remove duplicates by a powerful tool 2. Combine sheets of same name into one workbook 3. Combine same ranges across ...
Due to the way Google Sheets processes formulas, the number of columns in the outcome table is always fixed. It means that new columns added to your source tables won't appear in the result — Google Sheets will not adjust the ranges. However, if you choose to put the formula to a ...
The default Google Sheets dropdown list allows the user to only select a single item from the list. I often want to select more than one option in a drop-down list. For example, when there’s a collection of colors to choose from, I might like more than one color. Or, in a docume...
Combine / Merge multiple sheets into one sheet in Google sheet To combine multiple sheets into one single sheet, the following useful formula may do you a favor. Please do as this: 1. Type this formula: ={filter('Qua1'!A2:C, len('Qua1'!A2:A)); filter('Qua2'!A2:C, len('Qua2...
Selecting nonadjacent cell ranges in Google Sheets works the same as in Excel. Select the first range then, holding down the CTRL key, select the second range. Then copy both ranges using CTRL + C or in the Menu, go to Edit > Copy. Select the destination location, and then press CTRL...
This tutorial demonstrates how to select multiple cells in Excel and Google Sheets. Selecting multiple cells at once can be a timesaver when working with data in Excel. The following methods are useful when, for example, sorting, clearing data, working with named ranges, resizing cells, copy-...
The most recent common ancestor of many disease-associated pathogens existed in this period34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42; although these diseases are common today, it is difficult to infer their geographical ranges in the past, which may have been more limited43. We have shown that many of...