How to plot roc in one figure 댓글 수: 1 Adam 2017년 3월 20일 I don't know anything about the plotroc function as I don't have that toolbox, but there is a short example on the help page that shows multiple plots on a single graph. Can you not follow and adapt...
The new parent must be appropriate for the copied object (for example, you can copy an axes only to figure or uipanel), this is why you cannot directly copy one 'figure object' to another figure. As a work-around, you might find the following MATLAB Answer suitab...
, I have each function generating a plot of the data with the regression curve being shown. For the assignment, we are to keep the plots separate (i.e. not all on the same plot). My issue is that when I run my main script, I only get the plot from...
multiple instances of MATLAB run multiple independent computations on separate computers, each with its own memory. Years ago I dubbed this very common and important kind of parallelism “embarrassingly parallel” because no new computer science is required. In most cases, a single program is run ...
Plot Multiple Plots Using thefigureCommand in MATLAB In Matlab, if we plot a variable and after that, we plot another variable, the second variable will overwrite the first variable. To solve this problem, we have to use thefigurecommand. Thefigurecommand is used to initialize a figure. For...
Thesubplots()method helps create multiple plots in a single window or figure, and this method returns two things. The first is a figure, and the second is an axis to create subplots on different axes. We have not defined how many rows and columns should be created in a figure because th...
command to specify a palette of colors for individual plots to use. You can pass in color names like You
tried afew options, probably here my best result in the very limited time I have now : this is a demo on the first two line plots , extend to the other plots if you like it load('dataread_matlab.mat') % figure % plot(TEM_34_S{:,3},-1*TEM_34_S...
I have a for loop that creates a figure with 5 plots. I am trying to set a legend so that each plot says "A = 0", "A = 4", "A = 8", etc. This is the code I have so far: figure holdon fori = 1:N a1 = [0;4;8;12;16]; ...