1980. Pairwise Multiple Comparisons in the Unequal Variance Case. Journal of the American Statistical Association , 75 : 796–800.Pairwise multiple comparisons in the unequal variance case. Dunnett,C. Journal of the American Statistical Association . 1980...
Run multiple pairwise comparisons using paired t-tests P-values are adjusted using the Bonferroni multiple testing correction method. # Pairwise comparisons between time points at each group levels# Paired t-test is used because we have repeated measures by timestat.test <- anxiety %>% group_by...
Researchers in the behavioural sciences have been presented with a host of pairwise multiple comparison procedures that attempt to obtain an optimal combination of Type I error control, power, and ease of application. However, these procedures share one important limitation: intransitive decisions. More...
How to Perform T-test for Multiple Variables in R: Pairwise Group Comparisons Alboukadel | ggpubr,R Stats | FAQ | 3 Prerequisites # Load required R packageslibrary(tidyverse)library(rstatix)library(ggpubr)# Prepare the data and inspect a random sample of the datamydata <- as_ti...
1994. Power of pairwise multiple comparisons in the unequal variance case. Commun. Stat. Simulat. 23:691-710.Hsuing, T., & Olejnik, S. (1994). Power of pairwise multiple comparisons in the unequal variance case. Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation, 23, 691-710....
It also introduces the multcomp package in R, which offers a convenient interface to perform multiple comparisons in a general context. Following this theoretical framework, the book explores applications involving the Dunnett test, Tukey's all pairwise comparisons, and general multiple contrast tests ...
Dunn's test is the appropriate nonparametric pairwise multiplecomparison procedure when a Kruskal–Wallis test is rejected, and it is now implemented for Stata in the dunntest command. dunntest produces multiple comparisons following a Kruskal–Wallis k-way test by using Stata's built-in kwallis...
pairwise and complex comparisonssimultaneous and stepwise proceduresType I error ratesrobust proceduresBehavioral science researchers often wish to compare the means of several treatment conditions on a specific dependent measure. The author used a Monte Carlo study to compare familywise error controlling ...
The Effects of Nonnormality on Parametric, Nonparametric, and Model Comparison Approaches to Pairwise Comparisons The effects of non- normality on parametric, nonparametric and model comparison approaches to pairwise comparisons. Educational and Psycho- logical Measurement,... RA Cribbie,HJ Keselman - ...