A type of white blood cell called a plasma cell makes antibodies that fight infections in your body. When you have multiple myeloma, these cells multiply the wrong way. They let too much protein (called immunoglobulin) into your bones and blood. It builds up throughout your body and damages...
blooddiagnosiscase-control studiesinflammatorymultiple myelomaprimary careBackgroundKoshiaris, ConstantinosVan den Bruel, AnnOke, Jason L.Nicholson, Brian D.Shephard, ElizabethBraddick, MickHamilton, WilliamUniv Oxford Nuffield Dept Primary Care Hlth Sci Radcliffe Primary Care Bldg Woodstock Rd Oxford...
In some cases of myeloma, excess protein in the blood can cause a condition called hyperviscosity syndrome. The type and amount of immunoglobulin protein can result in thickening the blood beyond normal blood viscosity, which may result in alteration in a variety of bodily, including mental, proc...
外科学教学课件:Multiple Myeloma MultipleMyeloma MM 浆细胞病(plasmacelldyscrasia)是指浆细胞或产生免疫球蛋白的B淋巴过度增殖所引起的一组疾病,血清或尿中出现过量的单克隆免疫球蛋白或其轻链或重链片段为其特征的一组疾病。浆细胞病在临床上可分为两类:一类为具有明显临床症状和病理特征的恶性浆细胞病。另...
Presenting signs and symptoms of multiple myeloma (MM) include bone pain, pathologic fractures, weakness, anemia, infection (often pneumococcal), hypercalcemia, spinal cord compression, and renal failure. In approximately 30% of cases, MM is discovered through routine blood screening when patients are...
Although multiple myeloma (MM) is still considered as an incurable disease by current standards, the development of several combination therapies, and immunotherapy approaches has raised the hope towards transforming MM into an indolent, chronic disease,
Sixty-three new untreated patients with multiple myeloma under the age of 70 years received C-VAMP induction treatment followed by high-dose intravenous melphalan (200 mg m(-2)) and autologous stem cell transplant, either with marrow [autologous bone marrow transplants (ABMT), n = 26] or wit...
Multiple myeloma (MM) is a plasma cell malignancy in which monoclonal plasma cells proliferate in bone marrow, resulting in an overabundance of monoclonal paraprotein (M protein), destruction of bone, and displacement of other hematopoietic cell lines. [1] First described in 1848, MM is part of...
The reduced dosing frequency of 1.5 mg/kg every 2 weeks for teclistamab in relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma who have sustained a complete response or better for at least 6 months provides flexibility in dosing schedules for patients.
In the MASTER study (NCT03224507), daratumumab+carfilzomib/lenalidomide/dexamethasone (D-KRd) demonstrated promising efficacy in transplant-eligible newly diagnosed multiple myeloma (NDMM). In GRIFFIN (NCT02874742), daratumumab+lenalidomide/bortezomib/de