Multiple myeloma, adisease of elderly, is extremely rare in those about 30 years of age. A patientwith MM diagnosed at age 27 is described. He was a male with a four-monthhistory of back pain and later, hemurus and tibia pain persisting despiteNSAIDS. X-rays had shown lytic lesions ...
Normally, plasma cells form part of theimmune system. They produce immunoglobulins (antibodies) which help fight infection. In multiple myeloma, abnormal plasma cells in the bone marrow multiply too fast. They take up too much space in the bone marrow and prevent the normal production of other ...
An acute phase response is typically associated with myeloma [5,57]. Interleukin -6 (IL-6) has a significant role in B cell differentiation; especially in the final differentiation of B cells to mature plasma cells. A number of studies have indicated that targeting the IL-6 pathway inhibits ...
Among these malignant conditions there are multiple myeloma, plasmacytoma, etc. Intermediate is smoldering multiple myeloma and benign is monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance. We hereby report a case of a 28-year male presented with fever of unknown origin (FUO) for 6 weeks. On ...
Deregulation of the genome may induce clonal expansion of one PC that will lead to immunoglobulin overproduction and eventually to one among the so-called PC neoplasms. In multiple myeloma (MM), the number of PC is over 10% in most patients studied. Changes in the morphology of myeloma PC ...
This paper presents the results of some hematological investigations which were done in the laboratory of the Municipal Emergency Hospital, Barlad on a number of 10 patients diagnosed with multiple myeloma. This type of blood cancer, also called plasmocytoma or Kahler's disease, is characterized by...
MultipleMyeloma(MM) 实验内容: •掌握MM的诊断思路及骨髓象的主要特点 •了解IM的血象特征 A58-year-oldmalegavechiefcomplaintof increasingfatigueandpaininhislowerback whenhewalked. LaboratoryFindings: Hb85g/L;RBC3.2×10 12 /L;WBC5.6×10 9 /L; PLT300×10 9 /L;ESR50mm/h X-rayindicatedbonele...
Bone marrow biopsy showed 3 per cent plasmacytosis. An osteolytic lesion at the lower end of the left humerus and right tibia was also found. The diagnosis made was symptomatic multiple myeloma, stage Ila (Durie Salmon). 展开 年份: 2013 ...
外科学教学课件:Multiple Myeloma MultipleMyeloma MM 浆细胞病(plasmacelldyscrasia)是指浆细胞或产生免疫球蛋白的B淋巴过度增殖所引起的一组疾病,血清或尿中出现过量的单克隆免疫球蛋白或其轻链或重链片段为其特征的一组疾病。浆细胞病在临床上可分为两类:一类为具有明显临床症状和病理特征的恶性浆细胞病。另...
The clinical and prognostic significance of erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), serum interleukin-6 (IL-6) and acute phase protein levels in multiple mye... Summary Interleukin-6 (IL-6) and acute phase proteins are commonly increased in patients with multiple myeloma. Several of these acute ph...