I have code like this module sha256_round( input [31:0] Kt, Wt, input [31:0] a_in, b_in, c_in, d_in, e_in, f_in, g_in, h_in, output [31:0] a_out, b_out, c_out, d_out, e_out, f_out, g_out, h_out ); endmodule module sha256_s0( input wire [...
Look in the Quartus install directory C:\software\altera\12.1sp1_free\quartus\eda\sim_lib all of these files have multiple modules, and they can all be compiled by Modelsim-ASE and Modelsim-SE. I suspect you have another issue. Look at some of these Verilog files...
I am using very simplified codes here (empty modules) to simplify the problem statement. Similar behavior is happening with much more complex VerilogA modules. This is why I am asking in the first place. I am mentioning this as a disclaimer for the fact th...
read_verilog -sv -library libb my_pkg.sv ; # Gives warning about duplicate file: WARNING: [filemgmt 56-12] File 'my_pkg.sv' cannot be added to the project because it already exists in the project, skipping this file # Compile two modules in two libraries that both need the same pack...
I'm going to be adding more modules to add features to the product. I'd like to do the new modules in verilog and create a verilog top level to replace the block diagram. INOUT or BIDIR pins can not be connected together in anything other than a block diagram file, correct? Usually...
it can have as many clocking blocks as the number of clocks. This is shown in the following example where the moduledesignhas two clocks -cp1andcp2. Inputsa1anda2as well as outputb1are clocked bycp1. Inputa3and outputb2are clocked bycp2. This module has two clocking modulesclock1andclo...
This project aims to design an 32-point FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) based DIT (decimation in time) Butterfly Algorithm with multiple clock domains and time-shared design - AhmedAalaaa/32-point-FFT-Verilog-design-based-DIT-butterfly-algorithm
the same task name. However, several instances of the same modport type can be connected to an interface, such as memory modules in the previous example. So that these can still export their read and write tasks, the tasks must be declared in the interface using the extern forkjoin ...
Using Synthesis Attributes in XDC files Synthesis Attribute Propagation Rules Using Block Synthesis Strategies Overview Setting a Block-Level Flow Block-Level Flow Options HDL Coding Techniques Introduction Advantages of VHDL Advantages of Verilog Advantages of SystemVerilog Flip-Flops, Regis...
Many common hardware circuits can share in the multi-modulus architecture of modulo (2n − 1), modulo (2n), and modulo (2n + 1) multipliers, owing to the commonality of the modulus and similarity of hardware circuits in the modulo multiplication, so only different modules of the circuit ...