Achieving sustainable rural development is essential for countries worldwide to balance development between urban and rural areas; especially, sustainable social development is crucial. In the face of rapid urbanization in China, the withdrawal of rural
Multiple myeloma (MM) is an osteolytic malignancy that is incurable due to the emergence of treatment resistant disease. Defining how, when and where myeloma cell intrinsic and extrinsic bone microenvironmental mechanisms cause relapse is challenging wit
Due to issues of the length of the text there are limitations on how many languages can be supported using this tactic.Some solution components in this group are only visible to administrators. Because customization of the system can only be done in the organization base lan...
The configuration of the container used for transportation is given by the number of available stacks, being denoted by R, and their maximum capacity, denoted by L. In addition, we have set 𝑉𝜔∗=𝑉𝜔∖{𝑣𝜔0}V∗ω=Vω∖{v0ω}, containing all nodes, but the depot ...
For composite indicators, a framework is always necessary to determine which variables to include and their corresponding weights. When creating composite indicators, one of the crucial steps is how to weight the sub-indicators [18]. Weighting the sub-indicators leads to the last step in building...
The least-squares estimates—B0, B1, B2…Bp—are usually computed by statistical software. As many variables can be included in the regression model in which each independent variable is differentiated with a number—1,2, 3, 4...p.
In today’s digital age, a social media presence on at least one platform is usually necessary for your company to grow. In 2023,4.9 billion people use social media, and that number is expected to reach a whopping 5.85 billion by 2027. ...
In each major or minor release of SQL Server, there's an increment to the version number to differentiate it from earlier versions. This change to the version is used for many purposes, including: displaying version information in the user interface controlling how files are replaced during upgra...
The discount concurrency control model changes when and how multiple discounts are applied to products in a transaction. The Best price and compound concurrency control model option on the Discounts tab on the Commerce parameters page is different from the Discount concurrency mode property on each ...