assuming that this procedure is not executed very often, but the table size is quite big (so t...
Array data type in SQL server Array's IN SQL SERVER? ASCII values for extended characters Assign empty string '' if datetime is null Assign EXEC output to Variable Assigning NULL value to column name using Case Statement of where is SQL SERVER 2008 atomic if not exists() and insert or upd...
Nested If Conditions to get the one value in derived column. Nested Isnull Statment next line in expression builder No column information was returned by the SQL command ( Excel Source in SSIS) No Column information was returned by the SQL command. No result rowset is associated with the...
<blank><blank>??? Not 0<blank><blank>??? 01<blank>0.25 0999 0
We can specify multiple conditions using the AND or OR operators in SQL. These operators allow us to define a set of Boolean expressions which are then evaluated and compared against the resulting set. We use the AND operator to ensure that all the specified conditions are true. If even one...
),0.25 2 =IF(NOT(G20=0),I30,IF(OR(J20=1,J20=2),IF(J20=1,0.25,0.99),I30)) 030.22No it gave me 0.88 instead of 0.22 040.88Yes 0Yes
Fairly new SQL Developer, and am trying to see if I can use an IF statement with multiple AND conditions in it. IF @CalcBalance0 < 0.00 AND @GeneralOverdraft0 IS NULL AND @OverDraftAccountID0 IS NULL Or if I can do it like this. . . ...
I have one Stored Procedure which returns some value. now i have some different conditions in my select query so can i write them in my where clause instead of writing the whole select query again for different conditions? Like My Current Select Statement in SP looks like : ...
In some situations, you might want to deploy resources by using copy loops combined with conditions. You can do this by combining theifandforkeywords. In the following example, the code uses an array parameter to define a set of logical servers. A condition is used with the copy...
I used an anonymous type to tell EFCore what columns I need. It makes all the Joins as it ...