cumulative distribution functiongeneralized subset simulationgeotechnical systemmultiple failure modesIt is important to estimate the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of a failure mode in a geotechnical system, because failure of the mode is often characterized by some empirical and/or semi‐empirical...
wherepis the number of noncontrol groups, andF(⋯|C,ν)is the cumulative distribution function (cdf) of a multivariatetdistribution with the correlation matrixCand degrees of freedomν. Findingdcan be slow for multiway (n-way) ANOVA ifnis large. To speed up the computation, you can use...
daily solar energyMultiple linear regressioncumulative distribution functionThe multiple linear regression formula of the probability of the averaged daily solar energy reaching a specific location on the earths surface in a calendar month was obtained with the assumption that the arrival process of clouds...
A cumulative frequency function (cumulative distribution function) H(r) is defined as the sum for all distances between points shorter than r: H(r) = n dij = 1/2 i 0 occur, clustering is indicated; when L(r)—r < 0 the regular (ordered) pattern exists. Obviously, when L(r...
Significantly, three kinds of typical functions between neurons, the memory function achieved through the hippocampus, synaptic weight regulation and membrane potential triggered by ion migration, are effectively described through short-term memory/long-term memory (STM/LTM), long-term depression/long-...
On shape-preserving wavelet estimators of cumulative distribution functions and densities In a previous paper we introduced a general class of shapepreserving wavelet approximating operators (approximators) which transform cumulative distributio... L Dechevsky,S Penev - 《Stochastic Analysis & Applications...
Where Λ represents the cumulative distribution function of the standard logistic distribution (that is, Λ = 0; SD = 1), and μ denotes the upper thresholds corresponding to outcome j. The other terms are the same as those previously defined. Furthermore, we evaluate the performance of the ...
For m categories following a standard ordered probability model, the probability of observing outcome i corresponds to the following:(6)Pr(outcomej=i)=Pr(Ki−1<Xi′β+ui≤αi)where ui is assumed to be normally distributed with a standard normal cumulative distribution function. The ...
On comparing competing risks using the ratio of their cumulative incidence functions For \\( 1\\le i \\le r\\) , let \\(F_i\\) be the cumulative incidence function (CIF) corresponding to the ith risk in an r -competing risks model. We ass... H El Barmi - 《Annals of the ...
The rationale behind the above mentioned non-parametric approaches is to generate new realisations using a conditional cumulative distribution function (CDF) that is estimated using the observed data. This conditional CDF is broadly expressed as:P(Rt|Xt)=∑ipipi=ψ(Xt-Xi)∑jψ(Xj-Xi)where, Rt...