=INDEX(D2:D11, MATCH(1, (F4=A2:A11) * (F5=B2:B11), 0)) Powered By Step 3: Finalize the formula. If you are using an older version of Excel, press Ctrl+Shift+Enter to make it an array formula. In newer versions, press Enter. Array INDEX MATCH with multiple criteria. Image...
The furthest I was able to go is a combination of CONCATENATE, INDEX, and MATCH in an array formula: {=CONCATENATE(INDEX($A$2:$A$8,MATCH(1,(C2=$C$2:$C$8)*(B2=$B$2:$B$8),0)), ":", INDEX($D$2:$D$8,MATCH(1,(C2=$C$2:$C$8)*(B2=$B$2:$B$8),0))...
{=MATCH("February"&"Brownies",B3:B8&C3:C8, 0)}Output: 4In this formula, we've used the & symbol to tell MATCH to look up two criteria rather than one. Excel returns the value 4, because on the fourth row down it sees a match that satisfies both of the criteria we've provided...
I am currently working on a multiple if, I would like to avoid writing 100 "OR" in my code and therefore I have a list of criterias (AO450 to AO515) and I would like to have something like this : If the cells(i, 33) like one of the criterias, then "comment", your help wou...
Thanks in advance!! You can try this formula. Enter the formula with ctrl+shift+enter if you don't work with Office 365 or Excel for the web or Excel 2021. Currently the formula returns "no match" if there isn't a match in worksheet "Splits". This can be changed according to your...
Thanks in advance!! You can try this formula. Enter the formula with ctrl+shift+enter if you don't work with Office 365 or Excel for the web or Excel 2021. Currently the formula returns "no match" if there isn't a match in worksheet "Splits". This can be changed according to your...
Here is an example to show you how to use an advanced Excel filter to limit the records that are displayed to those that satisfy stringent requirements. You must enter the criteria on the worksheet before using the Advanced Filter. Create a Criteria rang
Looking at the image of Formula AutoComplete and the list of arguments, in our example sum_rangeis D2:D11, the column of numbers you want to sum; criteria_range1is A2.A11, the column of data where criteria1“South” resides. As you type, the rest of the arguments will app...
For more information about using the IF function with multiple conditions, including examples of using the OR function, nested IF statements, and IF with other Excel functions like VLOOKUP and SUM, refer to our previous tutorial on the Excel IF function with multiple criteria. Alternative Sometimes...
VLOOKUP with 2 criteria or more by using the INDEX and MATCH functions in Excel. The step-by-step tutorial will show you how to build the formula and learn how it works!