SQL Like Multiple Conditions We can specify multiple conditions in the LIKE operator using SQL’s logical operators. The code syntax is as shown below: 123456789 SELECT col1, col2, col2...colN WHERE (column_name LIKE 'pattern' OR column_name LIKE 'pattern' OR column_name LIKE 'pattern')...
I used an anonymous type to tell EFCore what columns I need. It makes all the Joins as it ...
SQL Joins on Multiple Conditions We can specify multiple conditions using the AND or OR operators in SQL. These operators allow us to define a set of Boolean expressions which are then evaluated and compared against the resulting set. We use the AND operator to ensure that all the specified c...
I have a view that contains some tables. and now I want to get value from my view that has two conditions. I use the below code but it doesn't return any value to me. ///Get the Id of View_SubjectStudy_Lesson SqlCommand cmd2 = new SqlCommand("select Id from View_SubjectStudy_Les...
Hello everyone I have an urgent question that I couldn't find an answer toI am trying to use 2 IF statements at the same time, each one contains if true...
Aside from that, I'd need to see an exact copy/paste of the SQL and a corrected snippet of the data to say what else might be the cause.Wait a minute! You said 'classname Not Like "Biology"', but your sample record has class name = "Biology"! Why would you expect that record ...
I have usedOPTION (RECOMPILE)to try to use an optimal execution plan for each execution, ...
Using visual studio 2005 with SQL 2005 reporting Services. I'm trying to create an expression to check for multiple conditions. Basically I'm doing a sum on TIMEINSECONDS if a paycodeid is 123, 124, 125, 126 or 127. In Crystal I would create a running total and say something like ...
then that's doable. A min. of consistency is required to put in place a logic... The text in the folder name and file name will always be the same. Only the date will change with their respectable format. Thank you! marshalltj67 ...
Your database.bicep file should look like this example:Bicep Copy @description('The Azure region into which the resources should be deployed.') param location string @secure() @description('The administrator login username for the SQL server.') param sqlServerAdministratorLogin string @secure() ...