Here, the formula returns Pass if both conditions are true otherwise it will return Fail. Read More: IF with AND in an Excel Formula 2.2 OR Logic with IF Condition Let’s apply the OR function with multiple IF conditions. Consider a dataset where a student fails if they get less than ...
Or Condition 3:Has to completeat least 1elective course. A student must fulfill the 1st condition. After fulfilling the 1st condition, either the 2nd or 3rd condition needs to be fulfilled to be eligible to take the thesis/project. Write the below formula in CellF5and copy this formulated c...
In this case, you can include several IF functions in one formula, and these multiple If statements are calledExcel Nested IF. The biggest advantage of the nested If statement is that it allows you to check more than one condition and return different values depending on the results of those...
Excel 365 version 2501 Posts 18,697 Re: Excel Formula with Multiple Conditions Not having manually calculated results with which to compare, I went with my interpretation of the text in post #9 so the results may not be correct. I borrowed from Noah's idea about setting up a table (see...
IF(OR(condition1,condition2, …), value_if_true, value_if_false) The difference from the IF / AND formula discussed above is that Excel returns TRUE if any of the specified conditions is true. So, if in the previous formula, we use OR instead of AND: ...
=IF(ISBLANK(I5),"WIP-OnTrack",IF(I5<=G5,"Completed-OnTrack",IF(I5>G5,"Completed-Delayed",IF(OR(I5="",G5<TODAY()),"WIP-Delayed",""))) Please help HansVogelaar Need one more favor, by adding an additional condition to the expression you shared. that...
When working with long ranges of data, we need to find the minimum value among the range where more than one condition is matching. In simple words finding out the minimum value using Excel IF function. IF function returns True or False and MIN function looks for the minimum value from ...
One way to accomplish this task in Excel is by utilizing a combination of the IF and AND functions. Formula Structure To create an IF statement with two or more conditions using the AND function, the formula structure is as follows: IF(AND(condition1, condition2, ...), value_if_true, ...
The IF function is an Excel function that is used to test for a logical condition and return different values depending upon it. For example you could test if cell A1 contains the number 1 and return “Yes” if it does using this formula: ...
In Excel worksheet, you may suffer from a problem that count the number of unique numeric values based on a specific condition. For example, how can I count the unique Qty values of the product “T-shirt” from the report as below screenshot shown? In this article, I will show some f...